request 2

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this is a hurt reader x comic book sabertooth request from @squidwardtencils1

you and victor woke up from a deep slumber by cell phone ringing and you declared it victors work phone you tried answering it when you felt the weight of your very muscular boyfriend arm wrapped around your waist and you moved it slightly you heard a low growl but ignored it and you answers it "hello" you said into the phone tired "I have a job for you both" you feel your boyfriend pull you back onto the bed and into his hard chest and his head buried in the crook of your neck and growled "stay" you resumed the conversation with the man on the phone "what's the job" you asked "I want you both to kill hank McCoy otherwise known as beast" you lightly pat your feline lover to get his attention you then said to the man "hold on let me ask him" the man replied alright you ask Victor "we have a job to kill beast you want to" victor huffed "what's he paying you turn to ask then man on the phone "depending the pay what is it" he gave the amount of "5 million each" you told Victor he nods "ok will take the job" he thanks you and hangs up you both get up out of bed and head to the shower after you both changed into your gear and head off you and victor were trying to think of a plan cause unknowingly to a lot of people victor creed is actually highly intelligent he acts like a brute with no Brains but he like to get the drop on people with it to witch I respect we get to the last known were about a of hank it was in Canada for what reasons were unsure you both decided flanking hank would be the best option

arrive at the location*

victor took the back while you were in the front. he was about to turn a corner when he felt a massive force hit him in his left side. he fell with a thud and you could faintly hear a crunch noise as he did. victor lifted beast into the air and threw him down onto the concrete floor. beast let out a howl of pain as he did so. victor stalks over to him when beast pulls out a gun that he has never seen before but just as victor was bracing himself for pain nothing hit him.  he opened his eyes and prayed to whoever would listen that his thoughts were wrong. but when his eyes landed on you his heart dropped sabretooth let out a roar that would be heard for miles. he lunged at beast with a new found rage that no one has ever seen in the mutant ever he ripped his throat from his body and {for the sake of my story not being deleted ima going to make him a little less rated R} tore his fleash  from his body when he heard your light whimper he came out of his fit of rage. and picked you up at and rushed back to the veicle you  arrived in he then ran back to your place and took out the shrapnel and cleaned the wound he saw some residue on the bullet and in the wound his face paled "what has he done to you frail' he whispered to himself he got as much as he could out but not all due to most of it alredy being soaked to your blood stream victor was mad at you beast and most importantly himself, for not getting you home safe. He could not stand the thought of losing you he held your body close to his and cuddled you he let his body heat soak in to yours and held you tight and whispered I love you

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