Chapter 3

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"At last were here," said Deidara as we finally reached our hideout.

"I know right!" I said grinning as I jumped down onto the water. "Come on guys," I added and they jumped after me.

We landed easily on the water as we walked forward with Deidara's bird following.

I watched as Deidara lifted his hand and released the seal.

The tag on the boulder shined red before the bolder lifted into the air, giving us a clear passage through.

As we walked in, I saw Leader-sama was already there.

"Your late," he growled. "We must get ready at once."

"The jinchuuriki proved more powerful than expected," explained Deidara as the boulder began to close behind us. 

I watched as Deidara's bird released Gaara on the ground before poofing away. 

Leader then performed his hand sighs and smashed his hand to the ground.

Behind him appeared that giant statue thing with the eyes. Heck I didn't even know what it was called. I didn't want to. It was ugly enough without a name.

"Now," said Leader as he made more hand signs. "Let everyone gather."

Everyone soon appeared on their places while Deidara, Sasori and I jumped to ours.

I always found it kinda weird how we had to stand on the fingers of the statue, I mean come on like isn't that weird?

"Alright, we shall begin." said Leader as he appeared on his spot and released the thing in the giant things mouth. Yeah I know I'm dumb since I don't know what anything’s called but hey! I'm probably the strongest one here so who gives a crap?

"It will now take 3 days and nights. Be aware of your physical selves. Zetsu. Have your physical self stay outside on guard. Use the one with the greatest range. Understood?"

"I know." he replied in a bored tone.

Zetsu always was weird to me.. I mean like he’s so creepy! He's like got 2 sides to physically 2! Oh well.

"Only 3 days?" questioned Kisame. "Isn't it possible that it'll take longer than that since we don't have Orochimaru with us?"

"I think your forgetting that I'm here retard." I said to Kisame. 

He glared at me then smirked.

"Oh right. I forgot about you."

I shot him a glare back. That son of a bitch.

"Bastard," I muttered.

"What did you-"

"Stop you bickering you two. Let's get started." said Leader-sama interrupting us.

"I agree," said Itachi.

And everyone began making the hand sighs.

God I hate these people sometimes. I thought as I made the hand sign. They annoy me so much but I can't help but feel attached to them. I mean I've been with then for four years, four years of missions and training. I might find some of them weird but in a way... they're almost like family.

Each of the nails on the summoned statue soon began to glow green with something different written on each one. 

The blue dragons soon began to come out of the statues mouth.

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