seduction and secrets.

785 11 3

snf day five: BAMF // spy au
there is nsfw content ahead so be aware

Today can die in a fire.

No, really. As far as Sapnap is concerned today can't be over soon enough. His stupid computer takes a million years to shut down when all he wants to do is get away from his fucking desk. Punching the code to lock his door takes forever. The security screening to get out of the building takes even longer, but it's not the guard's fault Sapnap had a shitty day, so he bites his lip and doesn't grumble while Mike runs the wand over him. He just needs to be out of there before he makes a phone call or writes a strongly worded email or worse, any of which would at least result in getting him fired.

To top it all off, it's raining. And he doesn't have his umbrella. And it's five blocks to his bus stop; five huge sprawling uncovered blocks and he's wearing shoes with a hole in the heel that'll fill with water the moment he steps off the curb. He's been meaning to get them repaired because they're still fine otherwise, but he just hasn't gone through with it, making his footwear just one more way the universe is conspiring against him.

He stands there, spending far too long under the eaves of the Dirksen building, willing the rain away. When it becomes obvious he's not going to spontaneously develop sway over the weather, he sighs, turns on broken heel and stomps to the local bar in the next building. Because fuck if he's going to brave the wet without at least a drink.

The bar isn't crowded, or even particularly busy, despite it being a Friday afternoon. Most of Sapnap's colleagues flock to the newer, trendier bar a few blocks down, trying to hit on the girls from the Smithsonian.

Sapnap doesn't like that bar, the music is loud and tasteless and he's not into girls, so a bunch of skinny librarians isn't a pull factor for him. The 404 Pub is more of a local's bar, quiet and leathery and oozing jazz from the wood panelling.

He loosens his tie as he steps inside, feeling flushed and itchy in his suit despite the cool air. He's still pissed and devoting way too much brainspace to what his coworkers face would look like after he's pounded it with his fists. Or brass knuckles. Fucker.

"What can I get you?"

Sapnap's surprised he's gotten close enough to the bar to look like he wants something. He glances up to find a blonde bearded guy leaning across the counter, eyeing him speculatively. He orders a scotch and coke and perches at the bar to seethe quietly into his glass. The rain hasn't stopped by the time his glass is empty, but he's not much of a drinker and doesn't feel like staying for a second, so he squares his shoulders, nods to the bartender and heads for the exit. Better to just get it over with.

He's three steps from the cold, wet outside when the door flies open and a streak of energy in a grey jacket and purple shirt flashes in, grinning wide with teeth that look too big for his mouth. It's a good smile though, Sapnap thinks, it sits well on the guy's face. That's as far as he gets with the thought before the guy comes charging at him.

"There you are, I was looking all over for you."

Sapnap doesn't even have time to process that the words are intended for him because the guy grab's Sapnap's face in his hands and kisses him.

Just like that.

Sapnap goes deathly still, but that doesn't stop the guy, he keeps kissing with enough enthusiasm for both of them. He's pretty fucking good at it too, all things considered. Sapnap might even consider getting into it if he knew what the fuck was going on. As it is, the heat of anger that's been crawling through his skin is swiftly turning to a different kind of heat, and he can hear his heart beating in his ears. By the time the stranger relinquishes his mouth, he's short of breath and, as much as he hates to admit it and how long it's been, possibly even a little turned on. He's also completely confused.

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