Part 2: Seeking help

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—Saburou's POV—

After I blacked out, I couldn't remember anything at all, but when I woke up, I found myself back home, although something was really weird. All I had was my bedsheets around me, so I quickly got myself dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was normal? Something weird was definitely going on and I was starting to freak out about it, which meant for the next hour I was racking my brain, trying to figure out what was happening to me next. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt like something had happened to me, I mean it definitely did right? If nothing happened, then why did I end up back here when I live half an hour from the restaurant?

Taking a deep breath in and then out, I decided some research was in order, so I plopped myself down at my laptop and started searching. This feeling over me, it was extremely unnerving, and I needed to get to the bottom of this, but nothing I searched came back with any results apart from a few stories about something similar happening. With a deep sigh, I knew that there was only one person I could turn to, but I'd need Daisuke's help to get in touch with her. Guess it's better to talk to him now rather than later. Opening my phone, I breathed in, and dialled his number.

My phone rang.
And rang.
And rang some more.

Eventually, I was going to give up, but then I heard the ringing stop and a "hello?" came from the other side of the phone! Yes! He picked up, and I couldn't have been happier!

S: "Daisuke, I need your help, something weirds happening to me and I don't think I can figure this one out alone"
D: "Woah Saburou, calm tell me what you need"
S: "I think I need to talk to Ichika...but I don't know if she wants to talk to me anymore"
D: "I know what you mean, her and Haruto were really hurt when you just left us all...but I'm sure...if you need her help, she'll be there"
S: "Thanks, her for me, and tell her it's an emergency, I'm really freaking out"

I must have been hyperventilating the whole phone call, because around 2 minutes later I got sent a text message with an address and a time. In 2 hours, I was to meet here with Ichika and Daisuke. Let's hope it doesn't all go to shit huh?

—Daisuke's POV—

After that whole conversation, I knew that it was important for me to call Ichika. He sounded nothing like the younger brother I knew, and I cared too deeply for him to let a petty sibling squabble get in the way. I looked out the window, seeing as it was still day, and text our eldest sister, 'Saburou needs your help. Urgent. Could you see him as a favour to me'. I got back an annoyed text message saying she'd do it, and forwarded the time and place to Saburou. Now only time would tell.


It was lucky that I didn't have any work to get completed for my students, since it gave me time to shower before I arrived at the same time Saburou was expected. Ichika gave me a look that basically told me I was lucky we're family, when Saburou was walked in. He looked terrible. His eyes had dark bags under them, his hair was messy, and it looked like his clothes were about a size too big. I could've sworn he was taller than that as well. I turned to Ichika, who seemed just as concerned, and she grabbed our youngest brothers arm, "Come this way"

They entered a separate room, and I followed behind, before she pulled out a syringe.

I: "I'm going to be taking some blood from you, alright? It'll help me figure out what's wrong with you"
S: "That's....fine"

The way Saburou spoke, it was like he was completely out of it, unable to really understand anything. He then grabbed his head as Ichika took a quick sample of blood and brought it over to a machine she had

I: "The results will take a few hours on the blood, so for now explain what's been happening"
S: "Yeah, was weird, I was working and suddenly got some weird liquid on me form a customer, and when I went to take it off, I must of been hallucinating, cause I saw myself and felt myself getting smaller, and not like shrinking smaller I mean like younger smaller"
I: "That is weird, what happened next? And what colour was this liquid"
S: "It was....Red I think...and after that, I started to black out, when I did I don't know what happened but I woke up back at my apartment, with no idea what was happening to me"
I: "Okay, it sounds to me that your just overworked, I mean looked at you, you have bags under your eyes, your hair is scruffy, your clothes don't even seem to be fitting you"
S: "Wait, what did you just say!?"
I: "That your clothes don't fit you! Look I know that you may not care how you look, but that's just stupid!"
S: "But I just bought these, the fit yesterday I don't know what...."

As he spoke, I could see his other hand raise to his head as his eyes shut, him falling to the ground. But then, something weird happened. His body, was actually getting smaller! He wasn't hallucinating at all! What was happening! I looked at my sister and we both stared at him in disbelief. What happened to you, Saburou!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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