Zac and eddie

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you had just cried in the corner after Zac Efron had called.

"Bye dumbass!" Zac 'S last words were piercing

Eddy had heard ur crying from all the way in the bathroom. Suddenly the bathroom door had burst open.... Eddy sherran had chopped the door down. "whats wrong baby girl.?" ed bit his bottom lip.
You could hear his loud foot steps behind you on the tile.
He pulled you off the floor and kissed you passionately.......
"Ugh." You moaned into his mouth. Everything was moving quick at this point. "Zac broke up with me!" You screamed.
Ed sheeren had had enough of ur crying.
he picked u up because ur a sneaky skinny bitch and started flying like in bad habits.
"Eddy!! Put me down~" he flew you out the window. You clawed onto his neck. As he flew you across town. You had recognised the house you stopped at..... it was Zac'S!! You immediately started pulling at his red hair!

To be continued......

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