A cluster of people fell on top of one another,limbs everywhere and confusion evident on all their faces. It took awhile for all of them to adjust to the current situation before they all untangled themselves and dispersed disoriented and their minds racing.Dean's head was pounding. Where the hell was he? From the look of things it was a cinema of some sort , dark and overly crowded with familiar faces from throughout the years. Guilt, anger and emotions he told himself to lock away deep in the corners of his heart came rushing back hitting him in the face like a brick wall. His eyes searched for Sammy before laying on Cass. Dean's heart practically stopped as the angel he believed had gone forever stood in his suit and classic cream trenchcoat shock and confusion visible on his face.
'Cass?' A sharp head turn from the angel and kind eyes met Dean's own before they came together in a bone crushing hug. 'Cass I've missed you so much' as they pulled away Dean's mind overtook him. All these questions and thoughts he had previously spent all his waking hours pondering over went out the window as raw emotion took over 'Man what the hell is this place! I tried everything! Everything! to get you back but there was nothing. I did not leave you! And now this! I don't even know what this place is and now your back. I'm just so...Why?..Why did you could you do that i thought... you know what nevermind it's not important.' A lone tear escaped Dean's emerald eyes and travelled down his cheek before Castiel spoke up. ' Dean it is important. I do not know what this place is but what's not your fault. I know how you see yourself and how you bury everything that ever caused you pain deep inside but you have to understand i did it for you! I did it for everyone I've ever loved, i did it for the whole world because if i didn't the damage caused would be irreparable and i couldn't let that happen'
Cass placed his hand on Dean's shoulder for comfort the same spot from where his hand print had scarred Dean's shoulder from when he raised Dean from perdition all those years ago.' I hate to break up an intimate moment but don't you think we have more pressing issues Squirrel '
Suddenly, they broke out of their own little world they had crafted themselves only to realise they were being watched by practically everyone in the whole room.
And there looking dapper in his typical all black suite stood Crowley
'Crowley ? Is that you?' Dean answered bewildered. He swore all these people he believed dead would kill him again just from the shock of it all.
'Yes hello squirrel ,wings'
'What are you doing here' Castiel interrogated sternly. He didn't particularly like Crowley but after everything he guessed he did owe him the courtesy of being somewhat polite so he eased off on him.
'Oh Castiel always such a flirt. However, i could say the same to you both'
'Both?' What did he mean by that? Dean didn't die he'd saved him as he would do again. Had... had something happened to Dean?
'Dean what does he mean?'
'How did you know about that?' Dean asked cautiously a bit angered at Crowley for revealing something that big which had actually only happened a week ago if he remembered correctly.
'Urgh does it matter this is as god-awful as every Celine Dion song in existence and that's saying something'
'Balthazar?' Castiel questioned.
'I thought you were dead?' Dean followed up
' Do i look dead to you? No? Then stop asking stupid questions. Believe me I'd choose somewhere else to be than stuck with all you in here but you know pickers can't be choosers'

Character's Watching Supernatural [ Clips,Photos and Videos ]
FanfictionCharacters of Supernatural watch Clips,Photos and Videos of their lives and their actors. Open to suggestions 👍😋 I do not own Supernatural if for some reason you were unclear on that which i doubt anyone would be but you know. This is my first sto...