Sam Edit Reaction

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Video opens with Sam questioning that someone hasn't heard of them before he announces they're the Winchesters while Sam and Dean sink down in their seats in baby. Sam then says to Dean that they kill him.

'It's always straight to violence with you two. And Sam i thought that was mainly your brothers deal' Balthazar says looking over at Sam.

'Well when the circumstances require it' Sam replied

'Which is almost always' Dean buts in with a grin


'What!? It's true!'

Sam then is shown in a cardigan,glasses and his hair tied back saying rawr

'Oh no' Sam hides his face in Eileen's hair whilst Dean breaks out into laughter

'Hahaha i remember Cass telling me about this. Such a shame i missed it ,pay back can be a bitch Sammy'

'Shut up!' Sam said whacking dean on the arm

'This really was confusing this case' Cass inputted.

'Tell me about it' Sam replies sighing with his hand over his face.

He then proceeds to be really clumsy and say towards a camera that he has genital herpes

'Haaaaaa Never gets old' Gabriel said swinging his feet over the arm of the chair

'It wasn't fun for us' Sam grumbles clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.

'No but it was fun for me' Gabriel wittily replies a smirk plastered on his face

Shots of Sam being awkward and drunk and dean asking sam why he keeps spraying the bottle of perfume.  Chuck then whacks Sam over the head with a frying pan which Sam says ow

Chuck smiles remembering that. He does miss those times but they've passed it now. He's powerless and almost everybody in the room hates his guts.

Dean then messes with Sam then we switch to a scene of Sam trying to do a very poor impression thinking he's doing well

'Oh my ears they're bleeding. Man you really suck at that you know' Dean said

'Dean i don't see blood coming out your ears. Is that another metaphor I'm yet to understand?'

Dean laughs saying 'Yes man it is we really do need to update your knowledge on this.'

Sam is then seen being sarcastic and nerdy showing off his knowledge of video games and such before he is zapped by lightning

'You boys really have been through a lot' Mary gently said

'Mum you have no idea' Sam answered trying to skip over all the awkward footage beforehand

Sam is then acting like a child and scenes of him being drunk before he falls over looking like a scooby doo character.

'Hold up you were in Scooby doo!' Bobby shouts.

'Yeah it was freakin' awesome ' Dean replies happily.

'I wonder if i could do that with the Hobbit' Charlie wonders looking up at the ceiling.

'I don't know but that doesn't sound like a good idea there's dragons!'

'Dude your being nerdy again' Dean answers fed up whilst side eyeing Sam.

Sam just looks at him before turning back to the screen

Sam then is shown being annoyed before his hair is mentioned and Cass instantly realises it's Sam they are talking about before Sam comes in saying to Cass that if they can't remain civil then he can skid-dadle

Everyone bar Death,Billie and Michael laughed at this. They were all in hysterics for a good 5 minutes

'That's amazing' Gabriel said wiping tears from his eyes.

Sam is then shown being told he'd make a good Dean before he tells Dean he's getting married and Dean has a face full of confusion and disgust.  Sam is then shown saying stuff but it's taken out of context

'Oooh that's awkward' Kevin responds

Sam then says the victim was killed by Belladonna which Dean confuses with a porn star but Sam tells him that he means the poison.

'Squirrel you really don't think of anything else do you' Crowley says

'Zip it' Dean says irritated. This was incredibly embarrassing for him. Who new he'd have to share these moments when the video wasn't even about him!

Sam is then shown holding a dog and getting hugged by Garth. Then Bobby in a wheelchair and a old Dean are shown arguing before telling Sam to shut up in sync

'Deano that's you! Looking good for a what? 60 /70 Year old?' Lucifer commented

Dean glares at Lucifer before looking away

'Hated that blasted wheelchair' Bobby muttered to himself.

Sam is then shown being flirted with and being just genuinely awkward before saying he's in jail because he has an idiot for a brother. More awkwardness entails before it ends with Cass pleading with Sam who thinks he's called Justin .

'Poor Cass look, had to deal with you like that' Dean says in mock sadness.

'Oh be quiet. It's painful enough for me' Sam says irritated but trying to hide a smile nonetheless.

'Ok moving on we shall now show you the actors for our Original Team Free Will' Luther says which causes everyone to perk up.

'Really?' Jack asks. He would like to see this alot. He wonders what his Dad's are like in this world.

'Yes really. Now let's begin'



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