Supernatural Cast Bloopers Reaction #2

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DJ says that they are the monster squad before and explosion goes off which blows his hat off which Jensen picks up. DJ says it's all good if it falls of before Jensen says it's not and it's called continuity.

'I wonder how many takes they have to do?' Balthazar questions

'Alot most likely if they are anything like this lot' Gabriel answered smug

'You say that now but we'll find something about your actor' Dean answers

They then mark the scene and Misha sticks his finger in it saying ow and that it's his on camera finger. He then exaggerates and says he will try to do that take but then he can't do any more becaus it's so bad

'Way to exaggerate. Your actor's funny' Jack says giving Cass a smile and a giggle

'Wow so kind Jack' Dean says rolling his eyes before giving Jack a fistbump and grinning

Sam just chuckles and Mary and John look on affectionately.

Jensen does a face when someone's holds up a marker for the gag reel. Jared and Misha then move like robbots.

'Ha that is great. You know with your actors are alot more fun than you all' Crowley commented and they all just looked at him

'Well they could say the same to you dear' Roweena answered causing Crowley to become awkward. He was not looking forward to that.

Jensen then sort of sings that there is so much sand in his ass before it shows a shot of Misha, Jensen, Richard and others all dancing.

'Ha there's me! Oh that does look like fun. Think we could do that some time' Gabriel announces excited

'I'll think about it' Dean says casually trying to not show how he would like to do that especially after he and practically everyone he cares about died.

Jensen then runs in very poorly before walking back to redo it making Jared laugh. It switches then to Jensen saying it's good stuff sarcastically. Shoshannah then puts her middle fingers up at Jared who laughs and Jensen also joins in laughing

Everyone laughed at that. Well almost everyone .

'You guys are hilarious' Meg comments and Charlie agrees

'Here you can clearly so the difference between me and my actress i would never do that' Eileen says to which Sam responds with a ' Are you sure?' and they both starts laughing

Misha and Jared continue to move like robots and Keith just sits there

'Why are you just sat there?' Dean says laughing

'I don't know maybe my actor can't see what they're doing?' Donatello replies unsure

Alex then says his lines asking if it will work and Jensen says to go with yes and it breaks when in the script it wasn't meant to. They then laugh and say it worked and laugh even harder before Jensen says alright and to go

'Wow look son there you are.' And Jack ignores him

'That was good though i like that. It is wierd but cool to see this you know like an alternative version of ourselves' Kevin inputs

'Yeah it is isn't it' Dean replies

'Just like in a story' Metatron says and Chuck just smiles silently agreeing with him so as not to cause an uproar

Jensen is then fighting the skull masked guys before one of them hits the door causing it to open and him to run out

'Hahaha if only that happened. The way your actor ran was very comical' Roweena giggled and Dean just nods his head in agreement. It was wierd to see the scene of his death but from a completely different perspective of it just being a show and not actual life.

'Ok next we have a blooper of your actor Dean singing eye of the tiger' Luther informs them

'Oh that's going to be embarrassing. Is ot from that time?' Dean asks him

'Yes back in Season 4'

' This is great i love this one' Luther says sitting back in his seat.

The music starts and we see hands beating to an invisible drum and Jensen sits up miming the words to the lyrics before climbing through the car window onto the roof and playing the air guitar with his leg before the music stops and you hear clapping and laughing

'What have i just witnessed' Crowley comments

'My actors amazing skills that was epic'

'It was quite cool so shut it doggy' Lucifer says which makes Crowley grow very irritated

'I like your actors air guitar and how they included their leg in their performance. You boys should try and do things like that more often' Roweena stated

'Yeah I'm not so sure that's a good idea' Cass says

'What! I'd be awesome at it' Dean replies

'I'm sure you would Dean' Cass answers sarcastically

'Ok. So as I've explained there are other universes and one of them is a show revolving around Lucifer but this version is quite different to you. Ha infact this version is God at the moment' Luther tells them

'Wait what!' Everyone shouted in sync except Death, Billie and Lucifer who just sat there as smug as was possible for him

'Yes calm down I'll show you this next' Luther retorts



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