Chapter 8: Road Trip

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     We finally had everything loaded in the truck and I had it hitched up to the 3 horse slant with living quarters. Apache was up front and Winchester was behind him.
     I put their trailering boots and blankets on before I loaded them and braided Apache's tail into a tail bag.
     I gently slapped the hood of my truck before walking to the passengers side. I decided to let Sammy drive because I was still too tired and I didn't trust my brother.
     "Y'all ready?" I asked when Sammy closed the drivers door and adjusted his seat.
     "Mmm." Was the only noise that came out of the back seat. When I glanced back I saw a wad of blankets moving that had my brother under them. He almost always slept on a long drive and this one was 6 hours.
     "Yup." Sammy glanced at me with a smile before adjusting his mirrors.
     "Y'all be safe." My mama said outside my window with a smile.
     "We will. You sure you don't wanna go?" I asked her.
     "No no trust me I do want to but someone has to take care of the animals and the chores. Sammy cheer extra loud for me." She opened my door and hugged me which I returned.
     "Bye mama." I waved as we pulled off slowly to let the horses get their legs under them.
     She waved at me with a smile until we pulled out the drive way and through the gate.
     My brother shot up real quick and started singing "on the road again! Can't wait to get on the road again!" I glared at him before Sammy chimed in.
     Eventually I broke and started singing with them. If I was gonna be stuck in a small space with these boys for hours I might as well make the most of it.
     After our weird singing fest, I turned up the radio to Tim McGraw singing Live like you were dying. I sang along softly while looking out the window.
     After a few minutes I noticed it getting very cold so I reached back and snatched a blanket from the pile my brother had.
     His half way asleep self shot up and shouted, "Hey! My precious!" I snorted.
     "You have plenty you creep. I'm cold." He glared but sighed dramatically and flopped over going back to sleep.
     I pulled my legs up in my seat and covered them up with a pink rose covered throw blanket. Sammy looked at me and I smiled. I cranked the stereo up a bit louder before leaning on my arm to watch out my window.
     I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I woke up at a gas station. Sammy was out leaning against my golden truck filling it with gas. I smiled since he was taking care of my baby.
     Suddenly I felt my bladder start yelling at me to release fluids and it could not wait. I opened my door and lunged to jump out but my seatbelt caught me and clothes lined me.
     I coughed and scrambled to get back up and unbuckle. As soon as it was unclipped, I closed my door and ran to the door of the rest stop.
     "Hey can you g-"
     "Not now Sammy I'm on a mission." I stopped him and flung the door open darting inside.
     "But your sh-" the door closed cutting him off.
     I ran through the building and straight to the ladies room.
     After relieving myself, I washed my hands and stepped out.
     "Got us a country girl right here. You headed to that rodeo 4 hours from 'ere?" An older fella with a straw hat stopped me and asked.
     "Yeah. Uh how'd ya know?" I asked.
     "I know these country folk. And judging by the rodeo hat and no shoes with night clothes still, I figured I'd hit the nail right on the head. You ain't from 'round 'ere huh?" He asked shifting to his other foot.
     "Oh I forgot to put my shoes on I guess." I laughed nervously and looked down at my bare feet. My pink toe nail polish matching my coffin shaped pink nails. "I'm from Texas."
     "Texas girl eh? Not bad. You barrel race?"
     "Yeah. I gotta get goin now but you listen to that radio for a Miss Crown. Imma be listed in the top 5 I just know it." I smiled and tipped my hat.
     He repeated my actions and I walked off and out the door.
     I sighed relieved and climbed back in my truck. Sammy opened the door and gave me a sideways glance.
     "What?" I snapped playfully. He put his hands up in defense.
     "Nothing. I was just tryin to warn ya thatcha were goin in without shoes and I was gonna ask you to get me a water but you were quick." He smiled and patted my head.
     I shrugged "Sorry champ. Gotta be quicker than that."
     "Well I'm about to go in and get some snacks and a drink. Want anything?" He pointed over his shoulder at the store.
     I needed, "Yea maybe a big bag of ranch sunflower seeds, a sweet tea, a water, and an order of fried pickles." I gave him my list and he scoffed.
     "Anything else you're highness?" He joked and tipped his hat.
     "Well if you insist... I'll take a Reece's too." I smiled sweetly before he rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the truck and walked inside.
     I placed my feet in the dash and leaned my seat back to relax and listen to the music.
     After awhile I got lost in the music and slightly dozed off so I didn't notice when Sammy opened the door and it was too late because by the time I noticed he dropped my cold bottle of water down my shirt. Shrieking, I jumped up and wiggled ferociously until I managed to yank the bottle out of my top.
     Sammy had his hands braces on his knees doubled over laughing and I glared at him.
     "You think that's funny huh?" I asked.
     "Oh yeah." He said and continued to laugh.
     Before he got up, I launched myself over the console at him and wrapped my arm around his neck.
     He hit the post behind him with an oomph and I wrapped my legs around him.
     "Is this supposed to intimidate me? Because if so I just think it's cute." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.
     I enjoyed his hug for a second before I pulled open the back of his shirt and dropped the cold bottle of water down his back and held it in place. He squealed like a little girl and tried to get me to let go so he could get it out but I was determined and held on tight.
     After two solid minutes I hopped off him and let him get the bottle out of his shirt. I quickly ran to my side and jumped in before he could get me back.
     He climbed into the drivers side and tossed the bottle at me which I caught with ease and set beside my styrofoam cup of sweet tea in the cup holder. He started the truck and I hummed softly in content at the sound of her purring.
     "You're evil." He chuckled and pulled out of the gas station. The time was now 9:27 a.m. and if we didn't make any more stops then we'd be at the arena by noon.
     An hour in I made him pull over on a dirt road. A few yards from the side of the road was a little 6 or 7 acre field that would be perfect for me to take the horses out to stretch their legs.
     Sammy backed out Winchester and I got Apache out and we led them over and walked them before letting them graze. Xander was still asleep so we'd get his horse for him.
Sammy and I spent about half an hour laying beside each other in the grass with the horses on lead lines grazing.
"You gonna ride a bull?" I asked already knowing the answer.
"Duh. You gonna run some barrels?" He copied my dumb question with one of his own.
"But of course. And pole bending. And team roping. And breakaway roping." I smacked him lightly on the chest with each thing I said.
"Love that for you. You gonna win?" He smiled and turned his head to look at me.
"I'm gonna try. You?" I looked at him as well. He grinned.
"Imma try Miss Crown." He gave me an award winning smile and winked.
I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at his green eyes. He starred back into my chocolate ones. I couldn't help but stare at him.
     He was an amazing friend and I knew how he felt about me but I didn't feel the same. I couldn't help but want to see if we could light sparks.
     I leaned in towards him and he slipped his hand into my hair and guided me towards his lips. Right before our lips touched, he froze and changed direction to place a gentle kiss on my cheek.
     For some reason I couldn't help but feel relieved and embarrassed.
     "As bad as I want to, I know you don't feel towards me how I feel about you and I'd like to see if maybe those feelings can grow into you seeing me as more than a friend. Until then I don't want to try and rush into things you're not ready for." He placed another soft kiss on my forehead and I closed my eyes allowing it to linger.
     "Yeah. I'm sorry." I mumbled keeping my eyes closed.
     "Hey look at me." He whispered and lifted my chin up to face him. My eyes fluttered open slowly and I gazed into his. "It's completely fine. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to kiss you but I know you're not ready and I'll wait."
     "Thank you." I smiled softly and looked away from his piercing gaze.
     "Anytime cowgirl." He smiled and pulled me into a hug which I returned. "Now." He said after we pulled away. "Let's get this show back on the road." He grinned and stood up.
     Taking the hand he lent me, I pulled myself up and lead my horse back to the trailer.
     In no time the horses were loaded and we were back on the road with my brother still passed out in the back seat.

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