....Daichi Sawamura

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A confession from Daichi Sawamura was not too surprising, in fact, everyone knew it was bound to happen. The two of you shared an undeniable passion for the romance genre and constantly shared stories and book recommendations. Watching sappy romcoms together on random weekends was a tradition, cuddling up in the least sexual way, sobbing and crying unanimously at the numerous dumb and angsty young adult shows.

"you look like a walking male protagonist from a romance novel, please take my hand in marriage." 

you'd remember unconsciously saying that when Suga had introduced you to him in front of the entire Karasuno group, to which had promptly burst out laughing at their captain's expense, who was at the time, was blushing profusely and trying his best not to grin.

You weren't lying though, he was stunning, and you would have asked for his hand in marriage repetitively, but as you slowly got to learn more about him and got more closer, you didn't deem it worth losing such a once-in-a-lifetime relationship just because of a baby crush. But you could never stop gushing over his physique, constantly praising and hugging him when he felt insecure about himself, and that was how Sawamura Daichi, captain of Karasuno, felt something he'd only read in books and seen in cliched movies....with you.

——this is more of an extended scene, if you think the above is enough you dont have to read the next part, but feel free to do so!——

It had happened one day when the two of you were out on an expedition. To find that spot in that romcom movie.

It was hilarious because when you both were watching the scene, you'd immediately realized that it was somewhere you'd passed by once.

"COME ON Y/N" Daichi hollered at you, as you dashed ahead of him in a flurry, taking him by surprise as he chased after you. The scene was trapped in between the foliage of trees and dead branches, opening it into a discrete onsen, it was not too unkempt, with clearer water and some dead leaves floating, but without hesitation, you took off some of your clothes, leaving you in your underwear and hopped in. The water was barely translucent, so you madly regretted your decision, but immediately took it right back when Daichi jumped in right after you, and you guys broke out in a water fight, splashing and laughing hysterically.

You guys slowly calmed down and swam around, enjoying the warm water on the midly chilly day. You wiggled your way out and sat on the ridge, dangling your legs in the water. Daichi waddled up beside you comically and sat down, leaning his head on your shoulder, you returning the gesture on his head and gently running your hand through his damp hair.

"It's been fun all this time I've been with you" you began

" thank you for being with me Daichi"

He shook his head in a nod, a hot blush imprinted on his face but you couldn't really see it.

"T-t-thanks y/n, love you!" He squeaked out, making your eyes widen as you shoved him off and stood up. Daichi was startled by the sudden push and nearly landed into the water but managed to pull himself up and stand staring at you, making your cheeks flush even more.

"You- you meant 'love you' in a platonic or romantic way?" You stuttered out, covering your face and shielding yourself from Daichi in the utter embarrassment of what had just left your mouth.

"I-I mean it romantically y/n." He pulled you to look at him, his face slightly pink as he laughed a little "heck y/n, since you've came into my life I've been on cloud 9! Watching movies and reading books with you.....you cheering me on when I'm playing volleyball, making me feel less insecure. I'd never thought I'd meet someone like you!" He paused, "damn it! I should have done it in a better place, like in that other show on the hill, but-"

"DAICHI!" You yelled, snapping him out of his rant


"It's alright! I've always liked you too. You're perfect! This place is perfect, being with you is perfect, it's like the missing piece to my part! I'm so grateful and honored you like me too."

The silence prolonged. Then, Daichi wrapped his arms around you in a huge hug, and you bask in the warmth of it.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


And under the sunset of the days of high school, the two of you shared a book-worthy kiss, sealing the confirmation of your relationship.

*i have a list of people i absolutely am in love with: 1) Daichi 2) Ushijima 3) Sugawara. And thats it, i love these three so much it hurts*

Things with the haikyuu captians!+ random one shots I wrote igWhere stories live. Discover now