f o r t y - s i x

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Chapter: Forty-Six


For the first time in her life, Hailey felt weird coming back to Hogwarts. Was it because of how everyone was whispering when she walked by? Was it because of how the Slytherins looked at her? Or was it because of the constant death glare Lavender Brown was throwing at her? Who knew.

Hailey spent most of the nights at the boy's dormitory. It was like she had this constant fear someone would take her back to the death eaters. Not that she minded spending more time with Ron and Harry, but she felt like she was a defenceless little girl who needed protection 24/7.

"Hailey, are you even listening?" Hermione asked making the girl come back to reality.

"Sorry. I just zoned out."

"It's okay, but don't you think Harry should hand in this Half-Blood Prince book?" She asked as the girl shrugged. Coming back she heard all about the book from Hermione. The book belonged to some guy who was very good at potions.

"Dunno. Harry does good in class, he helps me and Ron out. We're all passing. I see no harm." She said making her best friend groaned.

"The boys had a bad influence on you."

Classes were all going okay. Hailey had fallen behind a bit, but Hermione of course helped her out with it all. It was nice spending time with a girl. Boys can be a bit obnoxious sometimes.



"Can you teach me some spells?" Hailey said one day while they sat in the library studying.


"I need help." She said before looking down with a sigh. "I feel defenceless-"

"Should we ask the boys to come with us at the library if that-"

"That's exactly the point." She said. "I mean, I am literally dependent on people to save me. I should be able to save myself. I don't want to be a bloody burden all the fucking time." Hermione's eyes widened slightly as she stared back at her. Hailey never cussed unless she was mad. "I'm sorry for bursting out... It's just I feel weak. I never felt like this before... And I hate feeling like this."

"Hey, you don't have to explain yourself." She said reaching out to hold her hand. "It's okay. But I don't know much myself."

"Guess we'll have to do some research then," Hailey said smiling up at her.

"Who doesn't love a good time in the library."

And they did come to the library. Every day, Hermione spent at least an hour helping Hailey with defensive spells. And soon enough time passed. And before they even knew it February was about to end which meant-

"It's Ron's birthday tomorrow and I still don't have anything planned," Hailey said with a sigh and she lied back down looking up at the stars. Astronomy tower was the place they practised as no one was there.

"Nothing planned?" Hermione asked closing the book.

"I may have bought a perfume from Diagon Alley... And may have bought another pair of Quidditch gloves for him... And chocolates-"

"What else are you planning on doing? Buying him the entire world?" She asked with a laugh lying beside her.

"I feel like I'm not doing enough... I mean he's the best boyfriend I could ask for. I stay at his dorm. Wear his clothes. I bet I have more Ron's clothes in my trunk than he has in his. And not to mention he saved me."

"You've saved him too girl. Don't you remember that day at the ministry? You saved him too." Hermione said. "Don't get me wrong. Ron's brilliant. But you must remember. You're a good one too."

"What would I do without you Mione?"

"I wonder." She said as both of them laughed. They talked to each other for a few minutes when a very exhausted Harry can running towards them. He bent down clutching his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Both the girls shared a confused look.

"You alright there Harry?" Hailey asked as he looked up shaking his head.

"R-Ron." He said. "He's been poisoned.

A/N: Double update!!

A/N: Double update!!

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