Young genin

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Five years later (Konoha–ninja academy)

Today was the day, the day that he was waiting for has finally arrived "I'M GONNA GRADUATE TODAY!!" Came the shout of a shoulder length red haired boy with violet eyes as he got prepared to go to the academy and graduate to become a ninja.

Said boy wore a red and green jumpsuit (cannon Naruto's jumpsuit only red where orange should be and green where blue should be) over a navy blue short sleeved shirt and blue shinobi sandals, he walked out of his house early in the morning and turned to the hokage monument with a grin before running to the academy.

Ninja academy

With Kainan being the first one in class he sat there for an hour sleeping when someone else entered "Wake up baka." Was the first thing he heard and he jerked up to see a girl with black hair that went to her waist with shoulder length bangs with a small bundle of hair in between her eyes ending just before the bridge of her nose and black eyes, she wore a black top underneath an oversized grey jersey and a red skirt with black Spandex shorts that reached her mind thigh and blue shinobi sandals.

"Hey Kiyumi, and stop calling me a baka." Kainan responded with a twitching eyebrow but the girl ignored him "What are you doing here so early?" She asked taking a seat next to him "You usually aren't this early to all." Kiyumi said.

"Did you really think that I would be late for the graduation exam today, no more lectures or boring explanations–"

"No more yelling and throwing chalk at you when you're daydreaming or asleep during a lesson–" Kiyumi cut in.

"No more Uchiha nagging me about paying attention to Takeda-sensei and his bothersome lectures." Kainan finished smirking and making Kiyumi growl "Baka." She huffed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Teme." Kainan replied with his hands behind his head and eyes closed before opening one to stare at the girl, after a few seconds of silence they both laughed. During the years they became close friends add that to the fact that he would always go to the Uchiha compound for dinner with the family accompanied by Kushina, Minato and Naruto.

After a few more minutes of conversation and the rest of the classroom was now filled with children talking and soon thereafter the teacher walked in "Alright class settle down and we will begin with the written exam." Was all the teacher said and began handing out the exam papers.

The written exam was reletively easy and it didn't take long to finish, at the thirty minute mark Kainan was done and waited for the rest to finish.

After their first exam they were brought outside to a practice range where they would be throwing five kunai and shuriken each at the targets "Alright first up Kiyumi Uchiha." Their teacher said and said girl walked towards the man and was given the projectiles.

She took a deep breath and then threw them at the targets all landing on the bullseye "Ten out of ten." The teacher said and the smiling girl walked back to where she was standing "Beat that baka." She said standing next to Kainan as the boy smirked "How can I beat your score when all I can do is match it?" Kainan asked making Kiyumi roll her eyes.

They watched the rest of the kids do the test while Kainan kept making witty remarks eliciting a few giggles from the girl next to him, something that didn't sit well with some of the other boys that had a crush on her. They have always been jealous ever since the day she asked to be his friend, hell they didn't even know why his attitude and looks had changed, he used to have red eyes but now they were violet.

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