she asks you to move in

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Olivia had texted you earlier today, asking to talk over some coffee. The two of you had been dating for about 7 months, going through the highs and lows of young love. Everything was perfect. You two were Hollywood's IT couple, both of you being big in the acting and songwriting industry. You are currently following in the steps of your big brother, Justin Bieber.

Olivia was an aspiring actress, and her career was taking off. You were beyond proud, but this worried you. Your mind raced with thoughts as you turned on the radio in your Range Rover. Maybe Olivia wanted to break up with because work and a girlfriend is too much to handle. Maybe the paparazzi and attention you brought was too much. Maybe she just wasn't happy with you.

The whole ride was spent thinking of all the ways this conversation could go wrong. Olivia was probably going to break up with you, which was going to ruin you. You loved her. You were only 18, but you were sure you loved this girl with your whole being.

Pulling into Pete's was something you did not want to do, but the beeping car behind you forced you to. You saw Olivia's Ford Bronco, and your heart dropped. What if this was last time you ever saw that car. You were an over thinker, and everyone who loved you knew it.

Putting your car into park, you unbuckled your seatbelt. A sigh left your mouth, as you hopped out of the car. Closing the door, you took a deep breath, walking forward. Immediately, you were met with Olivia's smile. Her smile was big, which shocked you. She didn't look mad, or stressed out. She looked incredibly happy.

The girl stood up, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug before pulling away and placing a quick kiss on your lips. The smell of her perfume made you go hazy, as she pulled out a chair for you to sit in. With Olivia, chivalry was never dead.

"What's wrong? You seem uptight? I can get a seat inside, or we can go to another place if you don't like P-" You grabbed her face from across the table and brought her into a sweet kiss. Olivia kissed back, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as the two of you kissed. When you pulled away, a cheeky smile covered Olivia's face as she blushed, "What was that for? I loved it-but what's up?"

"I thought you were going to break up with me, unless you are. Then this is super awkward." Olivia giggled lightly, which was a good sign. Her hand interlocked with yours from across the table.

"I'd never! I should've been more specific in my text. I have a serious question that could not be asked over text." Her words settled your stomach, as the waitress approached your table. She was holding two coffees, which made you smile.

"One black coffee, two sugars." The waitress set the cup down in front of you, which rested on a plate. Olivia had memorized your order. You were too busy smiling to realize the waitress was gone.

"Your coffee order is kind of hard to forget. First of all, you're my favorite person so its hard to forget stuff when you're involved." Olivia Welch was a charmer, and you loved it, "And secondly, its the weirdest order I've ever heard of."

You pretended to act hurt, your hand going to your heart in a defensive manner.

"I love your coffee order! It's just different, which I absolutely adore. Okay? I adore you." Olivia was quick to reassure you, which made you giggle. You went to pick up your cup, when you realized Olivia's excited grin from across the table. Your eyebrow raised, as she motioned for you to pick up the cup. Once you did, you saw something shiny stuck to the bottom.

Lifting the cup higher into the air, your jaw dropped, as tears blurred your vision. Pulling the little key off the cup, you looked to Olivia. She nodded lightly, confirming this was a key to her apartment. You bit your bottom lip in excitement, as you fondled with the metal key.

"So..?" Olivia had excitement dancing in her eyes, and it made you smile even brighter.

"Yes...yes! Of course I'll move in with you." Olivia stood up from her chair, which made you stand up as well. Your small body was pulled into a tight hug, which you reciprocated immediately. Olivia peppered you with small kisses, giggles leaving her lips as she tried to contain her happiness.

"I thought you were going to say no!"

"Why in the world would I say no? Hm?" Olivia looked down at the ground as you chuckled at her ridiculousness.

"I know how much you love your personal space."

"Personal space doesn't exist when you're near me." This seemed like a good moment to kiss her, so that's exactly what you did. Grabbing her cheek softly, you pulled her into a knee-weakening kiss. It was extremely cliche, but cliche was practically your middle name.

"Wow." Olivia whispered, searching your eyes. Some people thought cliche was cringe, but Olivia loved it. Olivia had a look of love across her face, which made you reach into your purse. You slapped a 20 dollar bill on the table, and grabbed Olivia's hand.

"I asked you out-why'd you pa-"

"Race you home?" You cut her off, smiling at her. Olivia stopped, taking her phone out and snapping a quick picture of you.

"I just needed to capture this moment so I have it forever." Olivia's action took you off guard, and sent your brain into love overload, if that's even a thing. You didn't know what to think but by the time you regathered yourself, Olivia was already pulling out of her parking spot, "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

"Hey you cheated!" You ran towards your car, quickly starting it. Pulling out of the parking spot, you raced home.

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