she comes home late

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Olivia opened the door slowly, trying her hardest to be quiet. Everything echoed in her apartment hallway.

Closing the door, Olivia set down her stuff and released a sigh. Shooting for Fear Street went later than expected so Olivia got home later than expected.

Olivia was beating herself up. She promised Y/N pizza and movies tonight, but work was too demanding. Y/N being Y/N said it was beyond okay, but Olivia still felt awful. Y/N Y/L/N was so understanding to Olivia and her work schedule.

"Y/N? Babe?" Olivia called out, the sound of the TV alerting Olivia of Y/N's location, "Babe I'm sorry I'm home so late. Leigh wanted to shoot some extra scenes and I told her we had plans but I felt so b-"

When Olivia saw the calm, cute figure of Y/N sound asleep on the couch, she stopped speaking. Y/N was in Olivia's sweatshirt, her hair up in a messy bun.

Criminal Minds was playing on the TV, which made Olivia smile. Olivia got Y/N hooked on Criminal Minds.

Olivia walked over to the couch, grabbing a blanket and placing it over her girlfriend. Y/N stirred a little, her nose twitching. Olivia smiled brighter, reaching to move some loose hair behind Y/N's ear.

Y/N was hugging the remote so Olivia grabbed it out of her hand, and turned down the TV. Looking down at Y/N, Olivia frowned thinking about how she blew her off.

"Let me get changed, and then I'll be right back out." Olivia said quietly to Y/N even though the girl was sound asleep.

Olivia walked further into the apartment and into their shared bedroom. Olivia's clothes were all over the floor, which made Olivia smile. Some of her sweatshirts had been shoved into Y/N's drawers. That girl loved to steal Olivia's clothes.

Going quickly, Olivia got changed and did her night routine. Brushing her teeth, cleaning her face, all the works. Taking off her little heart necklace, she held it between her thumbs. Tracing over the little 'Y/F/I', Olivia smiled. Oh how Olivia loved Y/N.

"You're home." The raspy voice behind Olivia made the actress turn, a brighter smile covering her face.

"Hey pretty girl." Y/N rubbed her eyes, moving towards Olivia. Olivia opened her arms, letting the sleepy girl walk straight into them. Y/N's head fell into Olivia's chest, the actress deciding to rub Y/N's back.

"How was work?" Even half awake, Y/N was selfless. Asking Olivia how her day was.

"It was great! We got a huge part of the movie filmed! But I missed you and our date. Which I'm so so so sorry about." Y/N pulled away from the hug, her hand going to Olivia's neck.

"Your work is important to you, so it's important to me. I want you to be happy, and acting makes you happy." Olivia got butterflies as Y/N talked to her so gently, and with so much love, "And guess what?"

"What?" Olivia asked, her head cocking sideways in curiosity.

"The movies will be there tomorrow night. We can have our date tomorrow. Or whenever. As long I'm with you, I'm happy." Olivia was overcome with happiness, pulling Y/N into a passionate kiss, that slowly turned into a little make out.

The two girls locked lips in their bathroom, Olivia running her finger through Y/N's hair. Y/N felt Olivia pushing her towards the counter, so she decided to pull away and jump onto it. Olivia quickly stepped in between her legs, continuing to kiss the girl's lips.

In between the kisses, Y/N let out a loud yawn. Olivia giggled a little, placing a few kisses on her lips, then on her forehead.

"We can continue this tomorrow. You need some sleep my love."

My love. That freaking nickname made Y/N weak at the knees.

Y/N nodded, getting off the counter and grabbing Olivia's hand. The two girls made their way over to their bed, and laid down.

Olivia turned on the TV, which added some sound and light. Y/N couldn't sleep without some sort of light and noise, which Olivia found adorable.

Y/N got under the blankets, finding her place in Olivia's arms. Her back was pressed against Olivia's front, the actress holding onto Y/N in a protective way.

Olivia let her fingers trail up and down Y/N's arms in a comforting manner. Goosebumps coated Y/N's skin; Olivia's touch sending her nerves into haywire.

"Goodnight my love." Olivia placed a small kiss on Y/N's ear lobe, before cuddling her head into the crook of Y/N's neck.

"Night Liv."



NO SMUT YET HAHA. It's coming soon. I promise! Love y'all ❤️

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