"He wouldn't..You know that."

"Maybe somewhere deep down I do, but I just wish he would stop..or at least do it when you're no where near ear shot. As much as it damages me, it's damaging you..he simply doesnt care."

I could feel the wind pick up speed as the chill grazed over my almost bare skin. I was sat with my younger sister on the cliff which was only a 30 minute walk from our home in Anglesey.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the head lights approaching. Sighing inwardly, I got up and offered my hand to my sister.

Once in the vehicle, we travelled silently to our home with our father.
I just couldn't wait to sleep..but we both knew it wasn't going to happen until the early hours of the next moring.

Things had already been prepared..surprisingly. Not like my father at all. There was a queue..an actual queue outside of our house.

Little did I know, it was going to be the queue that saved my life.

Angel In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now