Chapter 11

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  "Let me go Lamitzu!" Inosuke yelled at Zenitsu. 

  Zenitsu corrected Inosuke "The name's Zenitsu! Can't you get anyone's name right?" 

  My class, my teachers, Nezuko, and I stared at them. We were confused about what was happening now. I decided to go over to them and see what's happening. 

  "I'm going over to them to see what's happening," I told them. 

  Shima told me "But they might hurt you!"

  "It is okay. I can handle it." I said and went over to Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao. 

  Once I arrived, Inosuke looked at me and yelled, "Fight me, Cantiro!"   

  "No! I won't allow you!" I declared to him. 

  Inosuke tried to break free out of Kanao and Zenitsu's grasp. 

  Zenitsu proclaimed to me "Inosuke keeps trying to get out! Do something, Tanjiro!"

  I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I grabbed his head and headbutted him. 

  "T-Tanjiro headbutted the boar man! Is he okay???" Shiemi stated. 

  It seemed like Inosuke fainted. 

  "Let's put him in my tent, and on my airbed," I suggested. 

  Kanao and Zenitsu nodded. I looked over at my tent and the whole campsite was demolished by the battle. 

  The class shrugged, and we fixed up the tents. The same people fixed the same tents. Zenitsu and Kanao helped Rin and I set up our tent again. 

  Once we set up our tents and set up our airbeds, I put Inosuke on my airbed. 

  I exited the tent. Everyone was around the campfire. I joined them. 

  "Hello! What are we doing now?" I asked them. 

  Ms. Kirigakure turned to me and replied with "Hi Tanjiro. Look, I'm sorry. We should've put our guard up in the first place because this is a mid-rank demon forest. We should've believed you." 

  "It's fine, Ms. Kirigakure," I said.

  She interrogated me again with "Also,  I heard that you chopped off a woman's head with your sword in the shopping district. Is that true?" 

  "Wait, what did you do, Tanjiro? Tell us!" Giyuu spoke furiously. 

  Kanao and Zenitsu looked at me with a shocked expressions.

 "But we're not allowed to kill innocent people!" Zenitsu stated. 

  I looked down, and I saw Nezuko hugging me. I think she understands why, due to what happened to our family. 

  "I'll explain. The class and I exited a restaurant we ate at. Then, I smelled the scent of Muzan." I described it to them.

  Shinobu replied with "Ara ara! The Demon King?"

  I continued explaining "Yes. I followed the scent, and It led to him. He asked a woman for a tissue, then bit her. She was turning into a demon, so I had no choice but to kill her. If I hadn't killed her, she would've eaten the people surrounding her." 

  "We're so sorry for ignoring you, Kamado. We thought you murdered for show and stuff like that. But really, you were just protecting the lives of others." Ryuji apologized. 

  I replied with "It's fine. No need to apologize." and smiled. 

  His eyes widened, and tried to ask me "How-"

  "Who's Muzan, the demon king? I thought Satan was the real demon king." Purple Pigtails cut off Ryuji and questioned me. 

  Giyuu responded with "We call him the demon king because he is the first demon on our part of Japan. He can create other demons by transferring his blood to other people. There is no cure to it, whatsoever." 

  He drank water inside a water bottle then coughed. 

  "Are you okay, Mr. Tomioka?" Shiemi asked.

  Giyuu answered with "Yeah, I'm okay. I just choked on some water, that's all."

  "And I thought you were the Water Hashira." Shinobu roasted Giyuu. 

  He shrugged. 

  Mr. Okumura interviewed Shinobu "Umm.. Butterfly girl? What do you mean by 'Water Hashira'?" 

  "Oh, did you not know? You see, Tomioka doesn't have any friends, so I was expecting this to happen. Also, call me Shinobu." Shinobu stated.

  Giyuu said "Well, I have friends!''

  "And who are they?" 

  He paused and looked down.

  "See? Anyways, Tanjiro, Tomioka, Zenitsu, Kanao, Inosuke and I are part of a demon-slaying organization called the 'Demon Slayer Corps'. The Hashira, or Pillar, is the highest rank of the Demon Slayer Corps. As for me, I am the Butterfly Hashira." Shinobu continued explaining. 

  "Wow! I'm wondering now. Why are you here in the first place, Tanjiro?" KOnekomaru interrogated me.

  I replied "I don't know. We were just told that we had a mission. He never told us what the objective is." 

  "Hmm... interesting," Konekomaru said. 

  "Why is Nezuko here? I thought she was sick!" RIn interrogated me. 

  Zenitsu gasped, and called out "Nezuko-chan?!?"

  Nezuko tried sneaking into my tent, but Zenitsu spotted her.

  He chased her while saying "Nezuko-chan~" 

  "Does this happen often?" RIn asked me again.

  I nodded and replied with "Often. To answer your question. I lied to you. I'm sorry. I didn't want to give away too much information." 

  He looked at me and told me "It's fine. May you explain what happened to Nezuko?"

  "Sure. Remember how I said my family was murdered by a murderer? I feel like Muzan murdered my family. He turned Nezuko into a demon. Don't worry. Nezuko doesn't eat humans." I revealed to them. 

  "So that's how she grew a horn." Mr. Okumura said.

  Suddenly, I heard Inosuke screaming in the tent. I went over to the tent and unzippered it. 

  The next thing I knew, Inosuke barged out. 

  "Did I miss anything?" Inosuke asked us.

  "Is anyone hungry?" Rin asked, changing the topic. 

  We all said yes, and he started cooking some soup. 

  When Rin was done cooking, he put them into disposable bowls. Rin gave us out bowls. 

  Once he handed out all the bowls, we started to eat. Inosuke put up his boar head so that his face was visible. 

  The class and my teachers looked at his face in awe. Inosuke looked at them, and examined them "What are you looking at?" 

  "Oh, umm... nothing!" Shima said. They looked away and continued eating the soup. 

  I heard Giyuu say to me "Hey, Tanjiro. We are leaving True Cross Academy tomorrow night. We're going to pack up tomorrow morning." 

  "Okay!" I said and continued eating my soup.

  We continued doing the normal things we were supposed to do. Inosuke, Shinobu, Kanao,  and Zenitsu just stayed behind. The rest of the camp was kind of interesting, especially the conflicts between Shinobu and Giyuu. 


Words: 1071

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I have nothing to say AGAIN, so stay safe!

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