Ive been looking for you

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Amelias backstory with Steve, Bucky and her past with hydra are in the previous book A Soldiers Dance. ✌🏻✌🏻

Amelia had left Steve unconscious at the avengers compound, after finding out a day earlier they he had files on her. Looking through all these files photos of her restrained, poked prodded it was unbearable to look at. She was used as a guinea pig, for hydra assassin called the darkling for their own liking and he was hiding it from her.

Outraged and upset, she confronted Steve and he barely had a response even when Natasha walked in on the yelling between them, noticing the papers throw on the floor everything on clear display.
"Did you know about this?" Mia glared at Natasha.
Natasha reaction was stuttering words.
"Wow" Mia going red and angry.

Running away in pain feeling betrayed by the man she trusted.. The icing on the cake was to discover Bucky, constant reports in hydra files of Bucky being turned into the winter soldier and how it was all connected to her. Steve knew all this time that Mia was subdued by hydra along with Bucky, they were confined together and Steve knew all this information and he never shared it.

The reports kept mentioning her and Bucky like they had some sort of relationship, to only come across a photo that looked like one of Steve's. It was a photo of Amelia, Steve and Bucky it was so old. But there was Buckys, he had his hand wrapped around Amelia and kissing her cheek. Bucky meant more to Mia, feeling hurt that Steve kept this from her. Mia kept reading through these boxes that Steve had kept hidden, seeing words like torture, experimented, regular assassination. Mia was used to kill whoever hydra wanted or else they would torture Bucky, it was vice versa. Hydra used Bucky and Mias relationship to control them and wreak havoc, one thing her mother had worried for Mia was being controlled and hydra did it perfectly. She couldn't trust her self anymore, Mia this was a cold hearted murderer.

Files had pictures attached of her victims, showing hollowed out bodies almost to the bone. Mia heart sank, not believing what she did was for the sake of love, what it was making her do. Mia didn't trust herself around Steve or any of the avengers, what if her memories would turn her into that monsters once again, she needed to disappear again to look for her own answers and keep her friends safe.

Mia had snuck up to Steve, hugging him for unassured last time. She kissed Steve causing him to fall, using her abilities, she placed him in a deep slumber nothing fatal. But just to give her self enough time to leave and not follow him. Mia left a note place on his hard chest saying.

"I'm sorry, I need to keep you all safe. From me"

Amelia thought the best option was try and find Bucky he may have had some answers, may help her to forgive herself at what she'd done.

It wasn't hard for Mia to locate Bucky possible whereabouts, all she really had to do was think hard enough about him, but she could only get a radius of his whereabouts, her powers were still limited at times but it was enough to try and find him. It's how she's attempted to find so many people in the past, Mias powers were slowly expanding giving visions of people due to small encounters of the people shed passed only for a brief moment. Knowing she never had a decent enough reason to do it, till now. Mia knew he'd been hiding from the government and honestly since shields own secrets fell to the public, Mia was secrets her own past might be coming to the surface thanks hydra. If Steve could find this information maybe so could the US, anyone could start coming after Mia now.

Through Mias own connections she'd managed to arrange a place to stay,  hiding away and close enough to find Bucky keeping her own distance without him knowing she was try to monitor him.

Amelia POV

I arrived in Romania, Bucharest last Thursday trying to see if I could get a sense for Bucky, maybe. For the past couple of days I would travel through streets markets, parks anywhere that he may have hid in plain sight. I knew I wouldn't find him straight away,  but my powers to would sense him soon enough I just had to learn to focus.

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