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Mia had left through a portal right infront of Steve and Bucky. They have no idea where she was heading, she had stopped being herself accepting the alter personality Mia created into her mind to take control of her body and wreak havoc. Steve had no idea where she went, seeing Bucky left on the floor from Mia ripping her hand into his gut open probably to finally get even.

The moment Tchalla came back in Mia was already gone, nothing Steve and Bucky on the floor. He rushed to help them both, ordering people to lift Sgt Barnes on to a nearby table fixing him to stop the bleeding. Steve was able to push himself up talking to determine if they should still put him on the cryo chamber.
With all the wisdom words around them it became clear that maybe it could be his best option to help him survive.

Couple days later...
Steve had left Wakanda almost instantly after Mia had disappeared in that mysterious portal and once Bucky had been cryogenically frozen, he'd left feeling alone, shattered and so lost, most of his friends were locked up or gone. Steve was at a lost for a few months, hiding in a refuged apartment in Marseille, France Mia had told him to go to before they arrived in Wakanda, giving him the location and codes to access the building just in case something happened. Steve had hoped she would just show up unharmed and unscathed, Steve couldn't help but fear the worst for all his friends, all he wanted to do was help them all.

Steve stayed in a huge vintaged apartment with intricate details throughout the halls and rooms. It was on the top floor a beautiful penthouse, the place was comfortable with bedrooms fully stocked upstairs, the elevator opened straight a large set of doors opening to the foyer flowers centrepieces in the middle of the room with a large sky light spreading to all different large common areas  that connected to a brown wooden stained kitchen. The stairs in the foyer climbed against the wall curling to all these other rooms. Steve followed the stairs noticing a corridor off to the side away from the bedrooms. Hidden nook had a large bookcase along the wall full of vintage books and cute seating, Steve looked over the books seeing displays were beautiful finally reaching a familiar dark gold frame he had on his bedside. The photo inside had Steve wrapping himself around Mia, he didn't know she had taken it with her. Steve picked the frame up, hearing a click a door swung open showing hidden stairway reaching more specifically designed rooms. A sophisticated armoury locked up with codes and gallery of advanced equipment and advanced tech that was connected to a large gym size room. The gym had a wall with dancing bars against a gigantic mirror and speakers in the corner, it clearly showed Mia use to dance here.

Steve walked over to the mirror to look at himself in disappointed, wondering what more he could've done. With sudden frustration his fist slammed into large wall mirror, giving a large smash glass falls to ground and massive cracks spread over the mirror still left on the wall. Steve looked at his fist seeing the bruising and speckles of cuts and blood. Steve shook his hand giving no care to turn around and focus the rest of the room. He just sat on the ground dishevelled, frustrated with himself.

There was equipment lined up on the walls, weights, dumbbells even some fighting bars on a nice presented wrack. This room had everything a person like Mia needed to practice, but in the corner of this prestige gym was a big green chest with gold gravings on the edges it seemed to look quite old.

Steve's eyes slowly directed at this antique chest,
"That looks like my trunk, it can't be"
titling his head with a repetitive question, he choose to walk over to the green chest sensing a familiarity to it. Once he reached it, he crouched down putting both his hands on the chest feeling it's engravings. A small craving tickled his fingers, he directed his eyes towards the letters. Terribly carved initials S.R vs J.B
"How did she get this?" Steve said to himself.
Steve slowly putting a hand on the trunks edge, pushing the lid up to open it and see what could be inside.
Steve gave a small smirk when he'd seen what was in there, a large brown frame with a very old dusty photo placed inside of it was sitting on top of everything. It was a photo of Mia and a much smaller steve with a rose in between his ear sittting on a performance stage swinging there legs smiling as they hugged into each other. Steve picked it up rubbing his hand over the old frames dusty glass, feeling the dust glide off onto his fingers. He looked down into the chest to notice another photo frame being hidden underneath covered with some old flowered fabric, steve removed the fabric to see broken frame that had the glass shattered in few of its corners, it was a picture James holding Mia up swinging her around holding a beautiful boutique of flowers. The frame looked to have been really damaged, Steve questioned how if it such a treasured trinket.

These photos were taken when they were so young and innocent, Steve and Bucky had just finished school and Steve's mum had shortly just passed away. Mia meet them few weeks after her funeral, knowing Steve's grief, Mia wanted Steve to enjoy himself so she invited him to her shows giving him VIP treatment . She's tried so hard to cheer him up that night. Steve looked further into the chest seeing Knick knacks Mia must've left behind a long time ago. Steve found it interesting to look at as this was Mias life before she disappeared, before she died. He pushed things around to see what was fully inside, noticing numerous types of ballet shoes. He noticed something in the bottom of the trunk, he'd dug his hand down into the bottom to pull out a helmet he definitely recognised. It was the helmet he stole to find and rescue Bucky with, a basic performance prop the girls wore in his shows before he became the soldier he wanted to be. Steve shocked Mia even had it, he noticed writing inside the helmet turning it over to read what it had to say. "Steve's lucky helmet"

Steve just let out a large laugh, there was so much memorabilia inside this trunk hidden away in a safe house, stuff steve owned thinking he'd never see again

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Steve just let out a large laugh, there was so much memorabilia inside this trunk hidden away in a safe house, stuff steve owned thinking he'd never see again. This trunk explained there friendship so thoroughly, Steve wished he could've used it when her memory was broken. It would've given her the reassurance she needed to who she was especially to her friends. All these treasured pieces of Amelias past were hidden in this box, the pieces she really needed to be reminded who she was. He picked up both the frames taking them back down stairs with him. He placed his duffle bag in a bedroom to the right of the stairs walking in to put the frames on the dresser near the window, he just wanted to let them see light again, keeping them close as this was all he left of his past.

Only couple weeks started to go by and without Steve even realising, Steve's routine stayed the same he'd get up go for a run, train relentlessly, eat and look over documents tiresomely to find a way to get his friends out of the raft. A prison he had no idea how to break in to, but he had to try, Steve couldn't let all of them root in there, they didn't deserve that treatment.
Steve leaned over the large dining table with scatter documents everywhere, he looked over another set of blueprints Tchalla managed to send him. Once again trying to plan out another plot to get his family back. He sat in the chair looking down at the sheet infront of him flicking his pen around, slowly starting to doze of, his eyes were getting heavy to stay awake.

Steve heard a heavy knock on the front door causing him to startle, waking him up from his daze

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Steve heard a heavy knock on the front door causing him to startle, waking him up from his daze. He jumped up cautiously walking over to the door almost inches away from its handle. Till a voice spoke, making him realise who was waiting on the other side.
"Are you going to let me in Rogers, the jets waiting on the roof"

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