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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Please don't let me stub my toe." Sage laughed, bringing up their first date story again. Rafe had Sage blindfolded, and guided her up a few stairs with her hands in his.

"You really weren't kidding about not letting me live that down, huh?" Rafe said, and Sage shook her head with a smile.

"Okay, wait here until I say." Rafe said, before disappearing.

Sage heard him open a door, and slam it closed behind him. Sage grew anxious being left alone, without being able to see anything. She reached out to either side of her to find something to hold onto.

"Okay, come in!" Rafe screamed behind the closed door. Sage shuffled forward, and struggled to find the doorknob.

She finally found it, and turned the knob pushing the door open.

"Okay take like four steps in, and then take your blindfold off." Rafe instructed, and Sage did exactly that.

When she pulled off her blindfold, she saw the Cameron house decorated in light pink decor, balloons floating on the ceiling.

"Surprise!" An eruption of people yelled, jumping out from their hiding places. Sage's eyes widened, and she smiled looking around at all the people.

"Happy Birthday babe." Rafe spoke, kissing her on her cheek softly.

"This is for me?" Sage asked, and Rafe nodded, handing her a small gift bag. Sage watched as a blonde girl walked out with a cake, candles lit.

"Happy Birthday to you." She sang, and everyone joined in.

Sage awkwardly waited for them to finish the song, before she blew all the candles out in one blow. The unknown blonde girl pulled Sage in for a tight hug, and handed her the cake.

"Thank you guys." Sage smiled. She scanned the crowd for her best friends, seeking comfort in the people she felt most comfortable around, but she didn't see them.

Sage had always been nervous in large crowds, and hated being the center of attention, but Rafe didn't know that, them only knowing each other a short time.

"Let's get this party started!" Topper yelled, jumping onto the kitchen counter with a red solo cup dangling from his hand. The crowd erupted into cheers again, before they all went to do their own things.

Sage looked over at Rafe, who was seeking her approval for the party, because all he ever wanted to do was make her happy.

Sage walked over to the counter, and placed the cake down, scanning the crowd for her friends again just to double check.

Although she knew the Kook's probably wouldn't have invited them, she could've always hoped that they were miraculously there.

"Do you like everything?" Rafe asked, looking down at her. Sage smiled, and wrapped her arms around Rafe's neck. Rafe's hand wrapped around Sage's waist, and lifted her up and setting her down on the counter.

Promise *Rafe Cameron*Where stories live. Discover now