Chapter 11: Ashton's PoV

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Ashton's POV:

It had been a week since Emma's grandmother had died. We'd all gone to the funeral, but it was a cloud the girls couldn't shake. Alexa's parents had found out about the skipping of classes last week and had actually grounded her. I felt horrible about it, so did the others.

I knew Alexa's parents didn't like me, and that affected Alexa. They were blaming me for Alexa's actions, as if Alexa was void of emotions. I loved Alexa and I could only hope she would see that.

"Hey." Musa greets me, leaning against Micheal and his car, she looked tired. Somehow after that first week, those of us who drove always parked next to each other. I didn't see Alexa's car, but I finally spotted it a few row backs. I spotted Alexa too, her pink highlights shining brightly in the sun.

My heart sunk as I waved to her, and she turned away, ignoring me. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask, turning to Musa.

"Alexa's parents don't want her talking to you or even us girls." Musa says, at the ground. "They think we're bad influences."

"Oh." We headed into the building where everyone else was waiting. I learned that Alexa's parents had finally given her an ultimatum. Alexa's parents would quit paying for her classes and car if she continued to hang around us all.

All through classes Alexa sat as far away from all of us as she could get. When lunch came around, she didn't even glance our way as she passed our table. It hurt to know she was going to let her parents decide who her friends were.

"Why are you letting your parents run your life?" I ask her after the day had ended. I had ran so I could beat her to her own car.

"Ashton it's not that simple." She replies.

"If you need help paying for things, I am more than willing to help." I tell her, "You can come live with Luke and I. Or we can get a place together."

"Ashton, I can't. It's not that simple." She looks at me, tears in her eyes. "My parents will never approve of any of you. I just can't do this." She pushes pass me and drives off, leaving me staring after her.

"What did she say?" Emma asks, once I joined the others by our cars.

"Nothing we didn't already know." I reply, "As long as she only worries about what her parents want, we won't get to see her."

"One of us has to be able to get through to her." Calum says, looking around.

"She won't take the time to talk Ashton, so why would she talk to the rest of us?" Musa says. I sigh, it was hurtful, but it was true.

"I'll keep trying. I'll think of something." I say, then decide to change the subject. "I hear someone is turning 18 in two weeks."

"Ashton I told you not to say anything." Micheal says.

"Micheal I told you I didn't want a huge deal made about this." Musa says, hitting his arm playfully, and acting angry.

"No one is making a big deal out of it." He says pulling her into him, and giving her a kiss. She laughs, before pulling away from him.

"Maybe we can get Alexa to talk to us one last time. Hear us out?" Musa says, eyes lighting up. "I'll get her to come to my place." She texts Alexa, who replies with a yes, and we head towards Musa's.

Alexa has already arrived, and is talking to Crys when we walk in. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't think that would help our cause. We all sat down.

"Alexa you can't let your parents tell you who your friends are." Musa starts, "You'll never be happy if you never listen to your heart."

"Musa it's not that easy, everything is so jumbled together."

"Alexa, I love you." I say. "We all care about you and are trying to help."

"You boys that's so easy for you to say." She snaps. "You all have your family's support."

"Alexa that isn't fair and you know it." Musa says.

"Musa you are in no better place than I am." She turns on Musa. "You have to hide your classes and pay for any lessons you take. Your parents have to pay for all the classes, so they'll find out."

"Actually my parents won't. Musa and I are paying for the classes." Crys interjects.

"You're still hiding from them, still not being yourself around them. You don't listen to your heart either." Alexa glares at Musa, who runs upstairs crying.

"Alexa that wasn't right." Micheal says, getting up to go after Musa. "We were trying to help, and we all have things to hide from our parents, but at least none of us are turning away from our friends."

Alexa stares after him, then looks at me, before saying, "This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come." She gets up and leaves, before any of us can do anything.

Later we all part, and the night leaves me in a depressing mood. I loved Alexa, but I didn't know how to help her. How do you help someone find what thier hear wants when you couldn't understand what yours wanted.

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