[2. Doubt]

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.Aphrodite's Pov.

I groaned and rolled over at the ringing of my phone blasted, stupid fucking alarms. It was 4 in the morning. I got about 4 hours of sleep last night. I got home around 12:30 and instantly took off my pants and collapsed in bed. So I had to shower and get ready before the interview.

I slipped on my socks, this apartment building was so nasty I didn't even feel clean in my own part of it. No matter how much I cleaned it. I trudged into the bathroom and turned on the water. I checked my phone and checked for any updates on my sister while the water heated up. It always took so fucking long. I hope I get this job, because my first pay check will give me enough money to make a down payment on a really nice quiet apartment.

I jumped into the shower and let the water hit my back.

I straightened my hair after blow drying it and filled in my brows and through on some moisturizer.

I know for job interview your supposed to dress formal and stuff, but seriously it's kind of stereo typical. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a loose black grey shirt with my black doc martens. It was all I really had to be honest. I put on a necklace with my mothers name on it and headed out. It was warm, as usual in Quantico, but not as hot as it could get where I used to live.

I missed my old town sometimes, but I was glad I escaped the horrid life I lived there.

I felt awkward walking into this place. All eyes turned towards me.

"Hi, sorry I'm here for a job interview could you direct me towards Arron Hotchner's office?" I tapped on a mans shoulder.

He turned around and eyes widened as he looked at me. I smiled up at him and waited for an answer.

"Yeah, his office is right back there." He smiled and pointed.

I thanked him and walked up to his office door. I knocked and waited for him to open the door.

"Come in."

I walked in and smiled at the man at the desk. He was very intimidating. He stood up and reached his hand out to shake mine.

"So I've looked over your credentials, seems you excelled a lot in college, and by a lot I mean you passed all your classes with a's. Your training is spectacular. My concern is your highschool gpa and grades."

"I know in interviews you aren't supposed to give life stories, but in highschool I was dealing with a lot of family problems, and in college I finally escaped the household and things slowly fell into place." I say, making sure to let him know I'm serious.

" Where are you from?" He asks intrigued.

"I'm from Australia sir." I say in confusion.

"That explains the accent." He laughs.

I nod my head and let out a small laugh.

"Well I'm jot so sure you're the person we're looking, it's nothing personal or serious we were just looking for another male on the team, we're kinda low of them right now." He says as he closes my resume.

"Sir, just let me prove myself to you. I promise you won't be let down."

Before he could reply the same man I had talked to by the elevator barged in.

"Hotch, we've got a case." He rushed out.

Hotch, I guess that's what he went by nodded his head.

"Well nows your time to prove yourself let's go Aphrodite." He said before standing up.

He opened the door for me and lead me into the I guess the meeting or grouping room. I noticed a blonde hair women that looked familiar from behind, along with a dirty almost brown curly hair.

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