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Bradley heard the emotion that was thick in Cory's voice. She felt like an asshole for questioning his character. Especially after everything he has done for her. She realized that she has been leaning on him for over five minutes and was troubled when she didn't feel uncomfortable. Cory was the president of the news division. Bradley was just an anchor and he was her boss's boss.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have cried all over you." Bradley said as she went to get up. To her surprise, Cory grabbed her hand and lightly squeezed it. Bradley couldn't help but widen her eyes a bit.

"Cory..." Bradley started. Her gaze glued onto Cory. He let her hand go.

"Bradley, you're genuinely one of my favourite people, believe it or not." He retracted his hand and gave her his boyish smile.

Bradley couldn't help but laugh at what he said. "Stop. Seriously."

"Bradley Jackson, why must you challenge every single nice thing I say?" He joked.

"It's in my nature." She smiled. Cory finally got to see her smile after such a stressful day.

"Ha! That's what I love about you." He said with a smile. Bradley was immediately startled by his unconscious confession. He saw the panic that struck her eyes and tried to downplay it casually.

"Come on, it's not like I said I was in love with you. America loves that same quality I do."

"Yeah, maybe. It's definitely bit me in the ass more than once." Bradley chose to ignore the intimacy Cory has been displaying.

She really liked being around Cory. He was a great friend who trusted her and vice versa. Does she think about being with him at times? Of course! Everyone would assume he was behind Bradley's breakthrough, which he mostly was. Aside from that, their relationship would probably become public at some point.

"It all paid off in the end. Was/is all the bullshit worth it to you?" Cory asked curiously.

"Yeah, I like to think so. I mean, I'm here sitting beside the guy who gave the lunatic journalist a shot. Who also took care of me at two of my lowest points since moving out here." She gave him a sweet smile and he more than repaid it.

"Guess who showed their true colours today?" Cory asked Bradley.


"When you and Alex started going off script, Marlon was yelling to have everything cut off and go to commercial. I told the crew to get every single word and he lunged at Greg to shut the broadcast down." Cory recounted.

"No shit? Honestly, it's not very surprising at all. Marlon's just another one of Fred's fucking puppets who kisses everyone's ass until shit goes sideways." Bradley said with irritation i'm her voice. The way Alex threw water at him was extremely captivating. She couldn't believe the lady balls on Alex. The way he used Hannah to connect with the crew was reprehensible.

"Also, Fred was banging on the door and Mia closed the blinds on him while he yelled. Most of it swear words directed towards me..." The chain of events truly amused Cory. He told the story with a youthful charisma about him. He sure knew how to keep somebody's attention while he speaks.

"No fucking way! All of that happened in the few minutes we were actually on air?" Bradley asked astonishingly. Cory nodded.

"What happened with you after we were cut off the air?" Cory asked.

"I looked over at Alex and told her I couldn't believe we pulled it off. After, I just felt like I needed to get out of there. I needed air. I told Alex I was going to my place and she asked me if I wanted her to drop my things off. I thought it was weird of Alex wanting to do something for me, but I went with it and accepted her help." Bradley recounted her extremely stressful morning. A moment passed and Bradley had a curious look in her eyes.

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