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Purpled was slightly surprised that he was being comforted by a demon not that it was the craziest thing that happened within the last few days but it was up there right next to summoning a demon and demon he accidentally summons makes him pancakes.

"All I'm saying is if you really wanted to you could kill them," Theseus said as he bit into his taco. "Yes, a good half of them are athletes but so are you, plus that amount of built up rage will practically carry you through the whole process."

"I'm not going to murder them, they're my friends," Purpled said off handedly as he pulled into the drive way of his house. There was a silver car already parked on the left side of the driveway. He didn't remember either of his brothers having a silver car both of them being leaning towards gray and black cars for sake of blending in. Purpled hummed as he parked the car and grabbed his drink from the cup holder and the bag of tacos from Theseus.

Purpled went to the garage door and typed in the code opening it. He would have used the garage door opener but after his friends stole it and trashed his house as a fun party while he was out he had taken to just manually putting in the code.

Theseus followed close behind as Purpled locked the car and opened the door to the house letting Theseus in first and then closed the garage doors.

"Uh Purp, could you come in here a little faster please," Theseus called from the living room.

"Coming," Purpled yelled back ignoring the use of the nickname Purp. Setting down the large bag of tacos on the kitchen counter and sipping his large drink. Doing a small spin he stops in his tracks at the sight of the man in all black with a black ski mask holding a gun to his demons head. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"Come over here now," the man in all black said as he pointed the gun at Purpled. His finger was on the trigger, from the one gun safety class Dream had forced him to take before teaching him the code to the gun vault that meant he was either inexperienced or was ready to shoot at any moment.

In other words he was going to die because someone was robbing him while he was at school and didn't expect him to get home early. That meant who ever was robbing him knew his schedule. That meant whoever was robbing him had watched him for a while before attempting to rob him. With his paranoia completely proven correct he set his drink on the kitchen island before making his way over to the living room where the guy was standing trying his hardest to ignore the gun.

"Put your hands behind your back and turn around," Purpled did as told and was yanked harshly by the quick movement of the man slipping zip ties onto his wrists. He was then thrown to the ground next to Theseus who was sitting on his knees with an eye that would definitely be bruised if he was human. Could demons get black eyes? "Now why are you home early?" He says as Purpled struggles to his knees.

"I threw up at lunch, I came home to grab my things before going to medcheck to make sure I just have a cold and not food poisoning,"

"And who are you? I've never seen you before."

"I'm Tommy, I'm the new transfer student, I was making sure Purp got home safe and bought him food since he puked up his lunch in the school bathroom," Theseus lied.

"God, I would have been able to get off scotch free if you stayed at school for the rest of the day, you ruined the whole damn schedule," he said waving the gun around. A loud bang rang out. Purpled flinched back harshly, eyes forcing themselves shut and head immediately turning to look at the floor. A thump caused him to open his eyes slightly before closing them again at the sight of blood.

"Purp are you okay?" Theseus asked as he snapped the zips on his hands.

"Am I okay? Am I okay? No Theseus I'm not okay, I just watched a guy accidentally kill himself while trying to rob me," Purpled yelled keeping his eyes closed tightly. "Do we need to call somebody for this? What am I supposed to do here?"

"Let's go step by step we can call them when we're calm okay? I'm going to grab your arm so I can get the zip ties undone, then we're both going to stand up you're going to walk to the kitchen and call the police, tell them that you came home from school early to a guy who was stealing stuff from your house, tell them that he was swinging his gun around and it fired and hit him and he's not breathing. I'm going to summon a pair of gloves and unload the gun so it can hurt us anymore, okay?" Theseus said.

"Okay, yeah I can do that. I can go and call the police," Purpled said as he felt the soft hand of Theseus on his arm. The zip ties snapped easily in Theseus' hold. Purpled quickly shuffled up to a sitting position before pushing himself up and stumbling into the kitchen. Grabbing his phone from where he had set it down by the taco bag. He dialed emergency services and began to explain his situation.

"Purp, I unloaded the gun so it's safe now but for now let's grab our stuff and go sit outside, staying in here isn't going to do any good," Theseus said as he walked back into the kitchen, the gloves were held tightly in his hand before he made a small motion and they disappeared. He grabbed the bag of tacos and purpled's drink and made his way outside motioning Purpled to follow behind. When they finally got seated on the front steps of the house Theseus pulled a taco from the bag and handed it to Purpled.

"I know you don't want to but you need to eat, you're already not feeling well but if you don't eat your just going to feel worse," Purpled shoved the taco away from him before Theseus shoved it back to Purpled. "Purpled, please just eat one thing and I'll stop bothering you." Purpled tried to ignore how desperate the demon sounded.

Purpled sighed heavily before unwrapping the Taco and taking a small bite. He was already nauseous but nonetheless finished the taco as the sound of sirens quickly draw near.

A/N school started so things may take a bit longer for things to be edited and written. If you have any ideas for anything to add to the story please go ahead and tell me. As always if you see any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes please comment so I can fix them! Requests on my one shot book is always open so please go ahead and check that out if you have time!

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