UA Entrance Exam

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(Alright its been four months and I am now ready to write this chapter. yay)

 Today was the day. It was finally time for UA's entrance exam. Izuku was ready he had trained for years just for this day to see if he had what it takes to be a hero.

After having gotten ready for the day he met up with Bakugo and the two headed to UA High. Once they arrived they head to the exam area and found their seats which, happened to be right next to each other. Now that all the other students had arrived they were ready to begin the written portion of the test. It was fairly easy for Izuku even if it was boring but, with that finished they were finally able to start the fun part of the exam. Only after Present Mic's lecture though.

"Excuse me Sir, but why does the packet say there are four robots when you have clearly only shown three!" A bluenette said. "And you in the back why are you wearing such clothes and not your uniform!" The same person asked. "Hmh.." Izuku noticed that the guy was talking to him but, before he could say anything Bakugo interrupted. "He hasn't finished explaining dumbass! Also make sure to wait before asking stupid questions." The person apologized to Present Mic and let him continue his instructions. 

After everyone had their instructions and knew where to go they all split to the exam grounds. Izuku noticed that he was with in the same are as the blue haired person. (help can't think of other things for blue head) As Present Mic started to countdown, Izuku got ready preparing a blaster to to stay on. "3.   2.   1. GOOO!" Present Mic announced. 

As soon as the gate was open Izuku went zooming off into the area summoning multiple other error blasters ready to get any bots that crossed within his range. He had already racked up a good amount of points in the few minutes that he had been out here. His blasters had been tearing the robots to bits, he would have liked to use his strings but they were robots so, no souls to mess with. A few minutes later and he had well over a hundred when he felt a huge rumble. Izuku looked up to see a massive robot that must have been the zero pointer. He zoomed forward summoning multiple more blasters to deal with the huge robot. He was about to fire when he noticed a girl stuck under some rubble he teleported over to her and used bones to lift the rubble and teleported the two of them out of there. He then let his blaster loose launching a bunch of beams that tore through the gigantic robot's body completely annihilating the thing. Everyone who saw was slack jawed at the destruction he caused and mildly afraid of him. "TIME IS UP" Present Mic's voice was heard all through the area announcing the end of the UA Entrance Exam.

(Alright so I did it, I completed another chapter. Now it is time for me to perform an amazing magic trick, One second  I'm here the next I'm not. Bye~)

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