Turning over a new leaf

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Turning over a new leaf

so faith finally revealed, that you aren't ment to be mine. A part of me knew this. A part deep in my heart knew that you would never see the treasure in front of your face. Does it hurt? The pain is so painful to my heart that I can feel the knife cutting deep into my heart. The blood pouring from the wound.

I'll get over the pain, maybe a day, week, or month down the road. One day a good, sweet man will come, steal my heart, fixing all of the rips, tears, and holes. Making my heart heal and work without all the pain. I let you go, watching you walk in another direction, tears of sadness roll down my face, as I see you fading in the distance.

I take a deep breath and turn in the opposite direction, wiping my tears from my face, I put one foot in front of the other walking with my head held high. The pain still there but slowly leaving with each step I take. I swallow the lump in my throat, look up into to sky, praying for the sun to come shine, brightening my very cloudy day.

The pain will go away sometime. But at the current momment, the pain is surrounding me like a thick blanket, making it hard to breath. I try to fight for a way, finding a way out but like everytime before looking into your eyes makes the wave come and sweep me back under the dark, cold drowning abyss. I will make it through this, make it through the pain and come out the other side a stronger person. You can push me down, you can put a hole in my heart, you can make me wish that I never met you.

But I will get up brush the dirt off, and continue to push on. Why? Cause no matter what you do to me, ill push pass it, fixing what you broke and making sure I never let you close enough to hurt me ever again. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Words to live by.

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