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Despite Harry's constant and overwhelming worry, Louis gets back to work the same day Harry's classes start. It's about the middle of January and Louis is still a bit weak from being bedridden for so long, but his cold has seemed to completely clear up and there's really no ostensible reason Harry can find to keep him all cooped up in the apartment. Harry spends his whole first day of classes sick with anxiety, only to come home to find that Louis looks better than ever, on top of the world with a store full of people.

"You want me to take over?" Harry asks immediately, slipping behind the counter with Louis and dropping his bag. "You can go have a nap, or something, if you want, or-"

"Harry, I'm fine," Louis laughs, pushing him away playfully. "Look, I've got everything under control! And I've never felt better," he says.

"You're sure?" Harry worries, examining Louis's face closely for any sign that he's lying.

"Absolutely," Louis says. "Wouldn't mind if you stayed to help out, though," he says, but Harry gets the feeling it's less for Louis's benefit and more for his own.

"Of course," he says, trying not to look too eager as he grabs an extra stool from the back and props himself up beside Louis. He can't stop staring at Louis out of the corner of his eye, just to make sure he really is okay, that this isn't too much for him.

"Stop looking at me like that," Louis says, without even glancing over at Harry. Harry looks down at his knees and waits until a couple customers have come and gone, and then resumes staring at Louis.

Louis smirks and rolls his eyes a little, leveling Harry with a playful glare. "How were your classes?" he asks, in a valiant effort to redirect Harry's attention. "Anything interesting?"

"They're alright, I think," Harry shrugs. "Contract Law, Legal Writing, things like that. Are you cold? Should I go check the fire upstairs?"

Louis lets out a frustrated huff, but he laughs as he looks over at Harry again. "You're insufferable. Do me a favour and take a walk around the store, see if anything needs to be restocked or organised, and then maybe go get started on supper, yeah?"

Harry slides off his stool wordlessly, thankful for the task. He knows, deep down, that Louis really is okay, and that he doesn't need or want Harry's constant, suffocating attention on him, but Harry just can't bring himself to accept that everything is back to normal. He's still freaked out about the whole thing, and his crushing fear of losing Louis keeps him worrying no matter what.

He restocks a few of the grocery aisles and reorganises the shelves at the front of the stores nearest the windows, sneaking quick looks over at Louis every now and again while he works. Louis looks completely fine, chatting happily with a customer at the counter, and Harry forces himself to relax just a bit.

He checks the letter box and brings all the mail upstairs with him when he finally decides everything is alright, leaving it on the kitchen table in a neat pile while he gets started on supper. He makes potatoes, carrots, and chicken cut into little cubes, puts his whole energy into it to keep him from wandering back down the stairs to keep an eye on Louis.

Louis comes up a little while later, after the store is closed for the day and supper is nearly ready. He settles down at the table quietly, humming under his breath, and sorts through the mail while Harry finishes making their supper.

It's been days, but they still haven't talked about what happened between them the other night. Life went on the next morning as if nothing happened, and Harry assumed with a sinking heart that Louis didn't remember, but things have definitely been different since they slept all cuddled close together like lovers. Louis is softer around him than he used to be, is more gentle and smiley and careful. Louis has always been all of those things, much more so than anyone Harry's ever met, but since the night he held Harry in his arms and fell asleep with his face pressed into his hair, it's like all the qualities Harry loves most about him have doubled.

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