Ch9: The Man Who Rages Against the Storm (Act 3)

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Melody looked around and saw that she was on a single part of land. The world around her was much different than before, the sky was a dark purple, and lightning struck within it, around her were rusted farming tools, and more corn...only it was rotten and black, and black vines with thorns and the same strange symbols were all around her. Melody shivered, she was on some part of land and there was no one else there...until a howl caught her terrified attention. A large tornado swung down, and a large purple wolf with horns, a fire stomach and strange markings landed in front of her, letting out another loud howl as powerful as a mighty wind. This was the corruption of Jose's heart: Bartholomew. Melody looked at the monster wolf and did the only rational thing that she could think of...


Melody rushed to the edge of the platform, hoping to find a way off, but to her horror, there wasn't any way off..she was trapped with

"Um...Balan?! Tims?!?! SOMEONE!!"

She yelled, but no one came. Melody saw a shadow cover her, and looked up. The wolf was about to crush her! Letting out another scream, Melody scurried out of the way right before it hit the ground. Melody paled "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!"  She thought, flailing as she did. However, the wolf got up again and twisted it's body at a very fast pace, creating a tornado that was bigger than her. Melody ended up panicking so much, that she had spun in a circle...and deflected the Tornado back at Bartholomew. Melody looked on in shock, but it was quickly gone as The wolf got up and pounded the ground. Making four colums shoot up, and he was on the tallest column.

"What do I do now?!"

She asked it now started to rain fireballs. Melody sprinted back and fourth to avoid getting roasted alive,before climbing onto one of the columns. Remember the pig from earlier, she quickly changed her costume and slammed down on the column, making the one that the wolf was standing on shoot into him. Now Bartholomew was getting mad. He roared at Melody again before making 3 more tornados shoot towards her, quickly changing back, she spun the tornado back at him. Bartholomew got dizzy, he stumbled a bit, dark gas escaped him before a warm glow enveloped him. The wolf shrunk down into a more human size. Bartholomew was gone...and Jose had returned. Melody cautiously walked towards him, just to make sure he wasn't an ax murderer in disguise

"Um...Mr Jose...are you...Ok?"

She asked. The farmer opened his eyes and met Melody's.

"Thank ya kid...I owe ya one.."

He said with a warm smile.

"N-no, I didn't do anything..."

Melody said, looking down at the ground. Jose shook his head

"You took down that darn wolf like it was a field mouse, I don't call that nothing!"

He said, before looking out into the distance

"Maybe...I should try again...It may take some time...but it ain't time to quit yet..."

He said as the other creatures started to appear as they cheered for Melody.

"You did it!" "Hooray!" "Well done!"

Melody blushed, not used to the attention. Jose held a hand put in front of her

"Put'er there pal."

he said. Melody shook his hand as she could see Jose's farm again...and one lone corn was still standing, it had survived the storm, Jose looked at it with happiness and smiled as all his hard work hadn't been for nothing. Melody blinked and saw herself at what looked like a glittery, transparent platform. Melody was confused, what happened? Where was Jose? She walked forward to see where it lead...and into her vision popped Balan!

"AAAHH!! You have GOT  stop doing that! Ok...I helped the guy, now where's my brother?"

She asked, hopeful that this was over and she could just forget about this whole mess

"Well done Melody dear! But the path to healing your heart isn't finished I fear. Your brother is fine, in comfort,  no pain, but time for you to hop on the train!"

He said. Melody's eyes twitced in agitation, fear, sadness, and confusion


She shouted. Balan didn't waver as he snapped his fingers and a full sized train appeared. Melody stepped back in surprise and fear.

"There is NO WAY that I'm getting in tha-"

Melody was cut off by the ground rising and tilting so that she would slide into a seat on the train. A whistle sounded as the sound of chugging filled her ears, the train had started to head off to it's destination. Melody looked out the window, her eyes drooping as her mind was still thinking

'Oh Finn, I hope you're alright...the sooner I find you... the sooner we can go home...'

She thought as she drifted off to sleep...

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