Ch 13: The Diver and the Dolphin (Act 3)

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Melody looked around her, The undersea ruins looked much less inviting now. Neon swirls could be seen around the warped Coral and sunken ships, even the seas above looked like a storm was brewing. A growl was heard as a large...something swam out of the shadows. It looked like a giant sea monster...with a Pompadour. As much as Melody wanted to laugh at the silly appendage, she felt that was not a good idea, as this thing didn't look friendly. This was the monster of Fiona's Heart: Anjellica. Melody backed away, But she felt the ground behind her rumble. Turning back around, she saw a bit of the ground collapse and NOT come back up.

"AAAAAAAAAH!!!" Melody shrieked, scrambling away from the edge, as the sea creature laughed at her. Suddenly, it started dancing (much to Melody's confusion) until it chucked a dark ball at her, similar to the dark liquid from Jose's world. Melody quickly dodged it, and avoided another one thrown at her. However, she wasn't do lucky with the third one. Which caused her to lose her costume. Luckily, there were two of those costume gems floating around the area, but UNfortunately, The one that Melody needed was about to fall off of the edge of the arena.

"OH CRUD!!" Melody cried as she rushed towards the edge and got the costume...just as the floor gave in. Melody quickly got up and moved to safety, but Anjellica wasn't done with her yet, instead, she let out a mocking laugh and pounded on it's stomach, releasing a bunch of giant, electrified Jellyfish directly towards her. Melody panicked and jumped at one in front of her...causing it to fling back at the aquatic beast. Anjellica was stunned for a second, only for hrr to get back up and angrily swim at Melody. She then suddenly raised her fins, and made 3 big blocks of water appear above them, And they started to fall towards them. Quickly thinking, Melody jumped into one of the water blocks, that shot her above Anjellica, making her land on her pompadour. Anjellica screeched at her, rapidly shaking it's head trying to get a terrified Melody off it's head. Melody gripped for dear life until she was forced to let go, and luckily land a hit on her stomach, that bounced her back to solid land. Now She was angry. Letting out another growl, she launched 3 large balls at Melody's direction. Melody, giving her a look, she quickly marched up to one of the balls and launched it back at it. The large sea monster swayed, it let out a bright glow, just like the wolf in Jose's world. Suddenly, she shrunk down, her warped shape becoming more human. When the light died down, she saw the Diver lady, Fiona land right in front of her.

"I don't know if I can forgive him..." she said, tears leaking from her eyes. Melody walked over to the crying diver..

"Well, I'm sure it was an accident..." she said, unsure oh how to console the crying woman.

Fiona then looked up at here, newfound hope in her eyes "Y...You're right...It probably was an accident, after all he is a baby Dolphin..." she said.

Fiona then got up "And accidents happen...But that doesn't mean I can't forgive him..." she said, a hopeful look on her face "I'm glad that you said that...Thank you" She said

Suddenly the creatures of Fiona's world came around them, cheering as they did.

"Woohoo!!" Hooray!" You doing great!"

Fiona then hugged the girl (much to her discomfort) and thanked her again

"I hope we can see each other one day! Maybe I can even teach you how to swim as good as me!" She said as a bright flash teleported Melody to the real world once more. This time, she was on Fiona's boat. She watched as Fiona looked out into the water, as if she was looking for something or someone. Suddenly both of them heard a familiar squeak. It was the Dolphin! The poor thing looked sad, his eyes asking for his friends forgiveness. Fiona let out a giggle as she waved to him, letting him know that Fiona forgave them. Letting out a squeal of joy, he jumped into the air. When Melody shielded herself from the splash, she found herself in the water, swimming alongside Fiona and her Dolphin friend, having their friendship repaired as they explored the deep blue once more...

Once Melody's vision adjusted again, she found herself back at the glittery road, a curtain in the distance, and sparkling trees around. Remembering that Balan liked to pop up at the most...unconventional moments, she had pretended to be happy for Balan's "help"

"Well, I helped the Diver lady...I'm getting close to healing my heart! Oh I'm so glad I came to this strange theater, with my Brother missing and a crazy top hat wearing...thing is Giving me free magic therapy!" She mocked as she slowly walked backwards in the opposite direction.

"What kind words you say! But Don't you know you're going the wrong way?"

Melody jumped and turned around...right into Balan's fancy suit.

"GAH!! Why must you appear EVERYWHERE?!?!" She yelled, backing away from Balan as he walked towards her

"Forgive me my dear, but I digress, for you are making great progress! But I will admit though you saved 2 people and stopped 2 foes, you still have more people to save from their woes."

Balan said as he got closer to Melody while she continued to back away.

"Awwww can't I come back another day?! Isn't that how therapy works?!"

She asked. Balan however, shook his head, his chipper smile still on his face.

"I'm afraid not, you can't quit just yet, You still need to find your Brother I bet. And since you might be here a while, I figure we might stop by the Tim's Isle"

He said. As Melody shook her head.

"NO! I wanna find Finn! Where is my brother!"

She yelled, only to find herself back on that train again. When Melody frantically tried to get out, she found herself losing control of her body again, as she was forced to walk to a nearby seat. She watched the world go by as she pondered to herself...

"How long are we gonna be here? When will I see Finn again? What's gonna happen to mom and dad? Do they even know where we are?"

Melody's thought overlapped as the Isle came into view

"I just wanna go home..."

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