Ch 17: The Girl Who's Gaga For Bugs (Act 3)

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Melody could practically FEEL the darkness when she arrived in the new area. Dark msuhrooms with the Negati symbols and stronger looking webs wrapped around rocks sharp, jagged rocks. She could almost sense the loneliness that Yuri felt. But at the same time, she felt Yuri's pain...she didn't have that many people other than Finn and her parents...

Her thought were broken However when a large, horrifying bug like monster appeared from above with a angry growl. This was the darkness of Yuri's heart: Wormsworth. It's twitching eyes landed on Melody before it shook the underground they were in, causing large pillars of stone to fall from above. Melody did the only thing she could think of...


She screamed while scurrying from the pillar, panicking as it came crashing onto the ground that Melody was standing on. The ground shook as she fell from the impact. When Melody did topple to the ground, she Luckily, had crashed into a costume crystal with the Sickle costume inside. When she hit the ground, she had accidentally slung one of the Sickles at the rock, causing it to fall onto the monstrous bug. Wormsworth let out a loud pained yell as it fell dazed for a moment.

This however didn't stop the large bug monster, when Wormsworth recovered, she had released the same purple dust that fell when Melody had on the butterfly costume. Quickly transforming into it, she fluttered as quickly as she could above the bug Negaboss, and onto its back, prompting another pained yell from Wormsworth.

Letting out another angry growl, Wormsworth resorted to shooting out odd butterfly wing patterned balls around of which hitting Melody, and causing her to lose the butterfly costume "CRUD!!" She shouted, as she now had to lug the giant Sickles on her hands around...which hindered her ability to jump.

"C'mon! C'mon!" She panicked as Wormsworth shot out the same webs that were around the bug filled world. Spotting a spider costume nearby, Melody ran as quickly as she could to the spider costume so she could traverse the sticky webs that lined the arena. When she finally did reach it, she found herself frantically scrambling to get to the bouncy mushroom that surrounded Wormsworth, as the large bug like monster was about to sling a sickle at HER.

Melody made it as she panicked on what to do next. Wormsworth angrily shook the stalagmites around them again, and made 3 fall towards them again. Seeing the opportunity, Melody changed to the Sickle costume and slung it at the rock, making it crash into Wormsworth again. This was the final blow needed to finally defeat her.

The bug Negaboss that was Wormsworth swung in her daze before dark fog leaked from her, and a bright glow enveloped her before she shrunk back into the small child like form that was Yuri Brand, who gazed sadly at the ground. Melody remembered what she had been through as she carefully walked over to the purple haired girl "Um...Yuri? Are you OK?" She asked.

"Why can't people see the beauty in what I like?" She asked sadly.

"Um...Well, Don't forget Yuri, there are bugs that all people love. Like butterflies?" She asked, unsure how to comfort the bug loving child

"But they won't look past what gives them a bad name." Yuri said, a single tear slipping down her face.

"Then prove them wrong. I mean, you know more about bugs than anyone. If there's anyone that can show that there's more to bugs than scary spiders and biting ants, it's you." Melody said, trying to sound encouraging.

It seemed to have done the trick as Yuri now wiped the tears leaking from her face. "Y-Yeah...You're right. Maybe they just need to see what I see." She said, a small smile finding its way to her face.

That's when the creatures of Yuri's heart surrounded them with cheering voices

"Yay!" "Keep Going!" "You can Do it!"

"I hope that We can see each other again one day." Yuri said as she and Melody grasped each other's hands before Melody's vision went white. She could see the webs that surrounded Yuri fade away as beautiful purple butterfly wings found their way into her back. Yuri gained a confident smile before she turned to two of her classmates, holding up one of the containers that held a small cocoon. She gently held it out as the cocoon began to gain a radiant glow and a small yellow butterfly found its way into her hair. The two classmates looked on in wonder as it flew into the air, and many more pink butterflies joined them. Melody then saw a small group of students, now very curious of what Yuri knows surrounded her as many large bugs, that looked more docile crawled, flew, and skittered around them. She would have smiled...if not for the fact that Balan was the acting teacher, and was leaving the classroom. As two butterflies followed him.

Melody's vision adjusted to find herself still on the train platform, but Balan was nowhere to be seen. Spotting the curtains on the side, she figured she must still be in that theater. That's when she gets an idea. Stomping her feet to make it sound like she boarded the train, Balan appeared once more, but was confused when he didn't see Melody. "Melody? Where did you go? Your heart is still in disrepair you know." He said as he searched the train for her.

Now that he was distracted for a while, Melody ventured through the curtains and back into the theater, hoping to find a way to find Finn escape this strange world...

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