Joining The Underground Heroes!

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Throughout the run home, Izuku could not stay calm. Many thoughts flashed through his head, thoughts such as,' I'm not qualified, but he is?' and 'a man who breaks a child's dream and an arrogant prick, what a perfect couple! (sarcasm)'.

Due to these thoughts, he did not focus on where he was going. This caused him to arrive in front of the slums instead of his home. He noticed this and snapped out of his thoughts. He wanted to leave, but he noticed that he was unable to move.

It felt as if he was once again in his dream, only this time, he knew he was awake. He looked around desperately, trying to find the cause of this phenomenon. That's when he noticed a shady man walking slowly towards him.

Before he could ask any questions, he was shocked into silence by the man's appearance. His head was not a human's, instead, it was the head of a horse. The horse had no mouth, instead, all its teeth were visible. The head was attached via some stitches that were still visible.

This was clearly not because of any mutant quirks, that much Izuku can tell. He also notices that the man seems to have some malicious intent towards him hence he once again tried to move, in an attempt to attack. However, it completely failed.

The man seems to notice this, and he appears to be excited that his prey is struggling. This caused him to start emitting sounds that were between the sound of a horse neighing and a human's distorted laughter.

"That traitor thought she could protect her son. What an IDIOT. Just because you destroyed my body doesn't mean I can't come back! What will you do now, you green-haired c*nt."

With the man's random rambling, his control over his quirk seemed to have slipped, giving Izuku the chance to send a slash of despair in his direction.

"Ha-neigh-haha, this simple move is all you got? Watch how I- ehhh?!"

The man seemed to try and use his quirk to stop the slash but was aghast when his quirk was unable to even slow it down. He desperately tried to avoid, and barely succeeded, only losing an arm in the process.

"Why you little fu****, watch what happens when I get my hands on you!"

The man seemed angry at the loss of his arm, but he did not lose his calm and used his quirk again to restrict Izuku. Though Izuku tried to avoid it, he did not even understand how the quirk works, so how could he put up any defenses? Hence, he was once again trapped.

"Once I give you over, I can finally get that promotion and rid myself of this stupid body. That shi*ty green bit*h can't even protect her little-"

Before he could continue, he suddenly stopped, the eyes on his weird face turned cloudy before passing out, his body landed on the floor.

Izuku felt the restriction around him disappear, granting him freedom. He decided to retreat but felt a hard surface behind him. He turned to look and saw the receptionist from last time and his daughter sitting on his shoulder.

The girl did not wait for Izuku to ask any questions and started talking.

"That stupid rat swindled me, but you still came back anyway! Beat that you filthy rat!"

She then continued bombarding Izuku with questions.

"Why did you come back here hm? Why was this man fighting you hmm?"

Izuku finally experienced what it was like to be bombarded with questions, but before he was able to answer, she stated something that startled Izuku.

"Well whatever, since you are here, you're going to join the Underground Hero's Association!"

Izuku took some time to comprehend, but before he could do anything else, he was carried by the large man like a piece of luggage. He then experienced the worst ride he has ever taken. He felt as if he was sticking his face out the window of a car, but instead of the normal wind flowing through his hair, it was All Might punching in his direction.

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