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Eraserhead slowly walked towards Recovery Girl's temporary office, making sure the adorable loli on him did not wake up.

However, the little loli was not sleeping. In fact, her consciousness was within her body, looking at the aftermath of her fight with Bakugo.

The huge wall, which she now identified as a dam, was broken in many places. Thankfully, none of the liquid had spilled over.

She also noticed that the pool of liquid that stretched as far as her eyes could see, had decreased by a lot.

Finally, she looked away to see the orange ball and the blue ball that resided within her body.

The orange ball was covered by a layer of liquid flames. However, the blue ball seemed to be severely injured. Compared to when it introduced Izumi to the prison, it was no longer as energetic.

She looked closely at it, before bringing it someplace away from the dam.

When she finally found a suitable area, she was suddenly assaulted by a 'feeling'.

Compared to the previous two times it appeared, this 'feeling' continuously assaulted her mind until information appeared. By then, her consciousness and her body that was with Eraserhead had been drenched with sweat.

She had to calm down for a bit before inspecting the new information.

The source of the quirk, Domain Of Despair, has been severely impacted. The position of the warden of Prison Of Despair has been emptied. The Prison Of Despair has been severely weakened, it can only maintain its basic functions.

The Domain Of Despair has also been affected. It can no longer use too much despair and has been restricted to 30% of its original power. The strengthening provided by the quirk has also been weakened slightly.

The quirk, Flames Of Rage, has consumed too much fuel. Upon changing forms, the surrounding million kilometers will experience a  varying change in temperature.

The fuel consumed will be slowly released when in Kitsune form. It will take around a year before the fuel is completely used up.

Due to overconsumption, the strength of Flames Of Rage has been increased drastically. Additionally, the increase in fuel has resulted in the intervals for heat to be shortened to once every one month. Furthermore, the intensity of heat will be increased drastically whereas the duration of heat will decrease to three days.

Lastly, the features of the Kitsune form have also become similar to a fox.

Upon reading the new information, Izumi felt like crying. Although the days for her heat have been decreased, the intensity of it would increase.

Remembering her experience in the previous year, she shivered thinking about this new heat of hers. Furthermore, she would have more of it throughout the year, causing her to dread this next year.

At least her quirk has been strengthened, however, her first quirk has been disabled for now. She had no idea when it will recover, not only that, she had no idea how it will recover.

In the end, what's done is done. Even if she regretted her decision, she could do nothing to fix it.

Still, it was all worth it to finally release all that pent-up anger that she previously had. Although she had vented her anger, it did not mean that she was ready to confront her true father and forgive her bully.

Suddenly thinking about them, she finally realised another issue she was going to face. Not only did she have to explain what happened to her partner, but she might also have to explain herself to her classmates.

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