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When the young girl arrived, Sapnap, Dream and George already had drank a little so they were in a funny mood.

„Oh my god," she commented on the loud music blasting through the boxes. „Are you guys okay?"

Sapnap walked over to her. „Ayyy Drista how have you been buddy? You good?" The blonde girl nodded, „Yeah I'm okay."

She looked around a little. „Wow Clay fixed it," she pointed at the blasting boxes and walked over to them. „I'm the DJ now, has anyone a music wish?"

The three boys shook their heads. „Just play something cool, you know the drill," Sapnap laughed and drank another shot. The girl nodded and connected her phone to the speaker.

Within a few seconds a new beat started to play and the boys in swim shorts grinned. „Great song choice," drunk Sapnap spoke.

„Me not working hard?" George begun to sing the lines. „Yeah right, picture that with a Kodak"

His bet boyfriend chuckled and sang the lyrics of give me everything along.

„Or, better yet, go to Times Square, take a picture of me with a Kodak. Took my life from negative to positive, I just want y'all to know that."

„And tonight, let's enjoy life," the four of them shouted laughing before the chorus started.

George and Dreams eyes locked for the next lines, Dream holding the Jack Daniels bottle up to his lips and letting the liquid burn his throat a second later.

„Tonight," he said a little quieter than Sapnap and Drista that we're dancing through the back yard. „I want all of you tonight."

He held his hand with the bottle out to George, who grabbed it and took a big sip while the song went on. He sat the bottle down and looked at Dream, a drunk but happy smile written on his face.

He grabbed Clays hand that was still pointing in his direction and pulled him closer, looking up at the blonde with big pupils.

„I want you tonight, I want you to stay, I want you tonight," George sang along as he suddenly felt Dreams hands on his waist, some pool water still dropping down.

„Grab somebody sexy," with this words the younger one pulled George even closer, so the brunette could feel his soft breath brushing over his face. „Tell them 'Hey'," Georges hands locked behind his bet boyfriends neck. „Give me everything tonight."

Maybe if they wouldn't have drank so much, they wouldn't make out in front of their best friend and Drista.

„Is that normal?" Drista asked with a kinda disgusted look on her face.

„Well normally it's not that bad," Sapnap looked at his best friends that seemed to enjoy each other a lot. „Must be the alcohol but for real you can't tell me it looks like they are just acting right?"

The girl shook her head. „Nope, they are going a little too far for two people that aren't actually dating, even if they're drunk."

„Good to know that I'm not the only one that thought that."

Meanwhile a few meters away, the drunk boys parted again.

„George what do you think of body shots?"

Drista and Sapnap luckily overheard that bit. „Lets go swimming Drista, put a playlist on or something I don't wanna spend my time watching them."

„I don't know, I've never done it," George shrugged his shoulders, both of his hands in Dreams hair.

„Would you take a body shot though?"

„From you?"

Dream silently nodded, his lips forming into a little smirk wich made Georges cheeks heat up.

„O- okay," he slowly agreed and felt Dream removing his hands from the smaller ones body. He could still feel a small tickle in the area where Dreams hands rested till a second ago.

The blonde gently reaches for George's hand to pull him inside right after, with his free hand, he grabbed the half full bottle of vodka.

Their hands still embraced, they arrived in the kitchen where Dream put down the bottle and searched for the other stuff they needed.

With one hand, he cut a lime he just found. „Do you know how body shots work?"

George shook his head. „Heard of them but as I said, never done it or saw someone doing it."

„Okay," Dream spoke as he put down some of the lime juice on his neck before sprinkling salt on it. „There are different types but this one is my favorite," he then explained. „You're going to take the shot, then you lick the salt from my neck and bite the lemon afterwards"

„And I just hold the lemon while doing it?"

The brunette stared at the spot on Dreams neck pretty obvious as the blonde shook his head „No that would be boring, the lime will stay here till you grab it," he pointed at his mouth and hesitated a second. „With your teeth."

„This is going to be akward," George said quietly.

The taller one shook his head again. „It won't, it's a normal body shot," he gently but on the lemon, holding it with his teeth as George picked up the bottle again.

„Ready?" the smaller one asked and Dream nodded, excitement lighting up in his eyes.

George took a deep breath, before the cold glass bottle met his lips. The clear liquid flooded his mouth before he swallowed.

With one movement, leaned forward and let his tongue slide over the part of Dreams neck where the salt sticked. At the sudden contact Dream couldn't do anything but squeeze his eyes together and throw his head back a little.

George thought he did it so he could reach the spot easier.

Right after, when the salt in his mouth burned his tongue, the smaller one pulled Dream down to bite the lime that the other one held between his teeth.

He took a full bite out of it, his face grimacing because of the sourness.

George swallowed the weird mix of fruit and salt and grinned at his bet boyfriend. „That was fun," he stated and Dream nodded. „Yeah you did a good job," his pupils were widened as he said that and looked down at George.

„You want a body shot as well?" George asked, the alcohol giving him a warm feeling in his stomach. Dreams nod made Georges stomach explode but he tried to play it cool.

„Nice," he grabbed another slice of the lime and put some of its juice down his neck, to pour salt on it right after, just like Dream did it before.

Now the blonde asked. „Ready?" George simply nodded.

With a slight grin, Dream took a big sip directly out of the bottle and leaned down to George who threw his head back to make it easier for Dream to lick the salt of his skin.

It was weird, feeling Dreams tongue against his neck and a second later his lips barely touching Georges to bite the lime, but the brunette couldn't deny that it was feeling good.
1362 words

Idk if anyone of you has ever done body shots and I hate body contact, but when I'm drunk it's literally the most fun(maybe not this exact type but you get the point lmao— it's also best with Tequila lol) UH KIDS DONT DRINK IF YOU ARE UNDER AGE OKAY THIS IS NOT ENCOURAGING TO DRINK ALCOHOL

ngl I'm jealous, I wanna do that with someone aswell now. LMAO-

Hello loves, i hope all of you had a great day, take care and ily <3

also poor Drista and Sapnap being the third wheels,
just a quick reminder also, they are friends, nothing more nothing less, Drista is a minor and will not be included in any kind of sexual/romantic relationship. [authors note in the test reader note: Y E S if anyone says something weird/wrong about them i will nicely delete the comment and start a war <3 ]


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