Chapter Eleven

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           It's been a week since I and Lisa had a proper conversation. I can feel that she's being distant again. It's like we took two step forward and now we are back to the beginning
         I think the argument she had with her parents is the reason behind it. She's been avoiding me especially if we get to be alone. She only talks to me when the girls are involved. The girls have resumed school.
       I haven't met Jeanie after I probably stood her up. I know she's mad at me, and to top it my ex have been calling me non stop even though I haven't answered any of her calls since the last time I picked it up.
       The girls have gone to school so as their mom to her own work. I was tidying up the house, when the door bell rang. I went to answer it thinking of who would be knocking. I peeked at the door hole to get a glimpse of the person but didn't. I left to continue what I was doing thinking that It might be some sort plank or some mistake. Few seconds again, the door bell rang again, who the hell is that I thought. I looked through the hole again but no one was there. I got a bad vibe about this but being me, I opened the door.
No one was there off course. I was about to close it when I noticed a paper on the floor. I took it in opening it. I stopped on my track when I saw what was written on it "LET'S MEET TOMORROW NIGHT, IF NOT ONE OF THE GIRLS MIGHT GET HURT, YOU KNOW WE WOULDN'T WANT THAT. COME TO THE PARK WHERE WE MET".
          I tore the paper throwing it to the floor there. Off course I know where it came from. I know she will try to get us to meet but didn't know she will threaten to hurt the kids. All the energy I had was drained immediately. I was so angry mostly with my self. I took my phone to call her. She picked it up immediately knowing I will be calling her
       "What the hell is wrong with you, are you that desperate even to hurt a child just to get what you want" I said
          "Calm  down calm down, come on babe" she chuckled. "No  one's going to get hurt off course because you are coming"
        "You  are a pig!"
        "Yeah , wear something sexy"  she said cutting the call. I threw the phone to the sofa there cussing. I know that she will definitely do it if I didn't show up, just to show me that she's in control, that's how crazy my ex is.


        I've been avoiding Lizz for sometime now, what my dad said to me really got to me and I think part of it was true. I don't want to get my walls down with her, I know the disaster it will cost. I don't want to lose my kids or even want to repeat the mistake of my past.
       I didn't hate Lizzie the first time I met her but I hate the fact that she reminds me of my mistakes. This burden I have carried for years alone. I took the picture that I have carried with me for eight years, looking at the beautiful girl. She was an epitome of beauty. She would have been alive, it was all my fault. I betrayed her, I killed her.
I was now crying, I don't even deserve to mourn her. I don't have the right to cry over her death. One shouldn't cry over someone they killed.
        Are you okay? A voice said
I looked up with teary eyes wiping it off. My best friend and boss Cynthia was there looking at me with worried expression.
         Hey hey! she said when she noticed that I was crying. I didn't want her to see me like this. I was at work for Christ sake.
          "I'm fine, something entered my eyes"  I lied saying the most common lying line
           "Come on, tell me what's wrong, don't tell me you are crying because of that" Cynthia said sitting down beside me
           "I'm  fine really" I said trying so hard not to break down in front of her.
          "It's okay, I'm here. Tell me what's wrong. It's okay to cry okay?" She pressed on knowing that I only needed a little push to talk about how I feel
          "I miss her, I miss her so much" I said now crying. This is why I didn't want to talk about it
          "I do too" she said already knowing who I'm talking about
        "I was so stupid, selfish"_ It's all my fault"
          "No it's not, it's not your fault okay?" you were young and afraid okay, there's nothing wrong with that
          "I wish I can take back time I said crying more now
           "We can't, all we have to do is to move on. Come here! She said motioning for me which I oblige because I really needed a hug
         "Thank you so much, I'm really lucky to have you. You always know the right thing to say"
          "I'm  just saying the truth and besides what are friends for
           "Best friends!"  I said correcting her
        "My bad, best friends for" she corrected now laughing
          "Thanks "
          Duh! she said smiling
         "Here I am crying in my work place" I groan feeling stupid
          We all have our moments, come on clean that tears cause you remind of some horrific movie I watch last night
          Ha ha ha, funny I said doing as she says
         We going to have girls night tomorrow, then we will talk she said.
       I don't do that anymore, remember kids?
           "Come on don't you have a nanny for that. Just two hours okay. It's been a long time we go out and gist about stuffs Cynthia
          I will let her know and see if she's free tonight"
          And speaking of nannies she said smirking bitting her lower lips
         What about her I asked already knowing what she will say
          "Is she hot?"  she asked
       "Well maybe you should come over and check her out" I said trying not to talk about my nanny
        "Come on tell me"  she whined like a baby
          "She's  okay, maybe a little hot" I said blushing
           "Oh my Gosh, you are blushing"
          "I'm not I said trying to end this conversation. "I'm married with kids and she's gay" I didn't even know when the last sentence came out
        "What, that's definitely hot"  she said smiling more now with that annoying smirk
         "Nothing is going to happen so take your mind out of the gutter"
          "I didn't say something will happen" she said teasing me
        "Leave me, let me go back to work, I have big files I still need to sort out" I said trying to end this conversation.
          "Well we are still not done with this and I want to see the hot chick who's got my girl all teenage again" she said giggling before closing the door
         I smiled at her, even when she's sane, she's still crazy but I wouldn't beg for another person but her.

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