Chapter Thirty-eight

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           I woke up seeing Lisa still asleep. Last night was amazing especially when I heard Lisa says she loves me thinking I have slept off or when I heard her call me babe. I went to the bathroom, after brushing my teeth and combing my hair, I put on her top to go and get a bottle of water. As I was drinking, I heard someone walking down the stairs, thinking it was Lisa I went out to meet her but instead found Olivia
          Shit! She was so grown up. She was looking at me confusedly
          Lizzie? Olivia asked. Did I changed that much that she didn't recognize me right away. I nodded and the next thing I know is her running towards me hugging me tightly, I returned it happily relieved she wasn't shouting or yelling
          She stopped frowning "what are you doing here?" She asked
          How do I explain that "I...uh came to see your mom"
          Why? She asked being Olivia
           "Grown up stuff"
           So you didn't come to see us.....I and Sonia?
           I came to see you guys too but you weren't around" God where the hell is Lisa
           Hmmm well Sonia isn't here so you have to stay still she gets back?
          Yeah sure....
She smiled "Okay! So you slept here last night? I nodded
             Is that why mom wanted me to go to my friend's house all of a sudden?
            I don't think so....
          Why?, does she think we are still mad you left without saying goodbye?
           "Yeah she probably thinks so.."
            "I am but I'm not going to throw a tantrum just because of that.....why did you leave? she asked going over to the stool sitting down
             I guess we are going to talk for a long time, I did the same sitting beside her "I'm sorry....I really wanted to see you guys''
             Is it because you don't like birthdays? she asked
              I was confused of why she thinks so but then I realized I left after my birthday party "No that's not it"
           Okay so will you be staying with us again?
            Olivia!? We both turned to see Lisa looking like a mess. I hope she doesn't ask why her mom looks like she fucked the whole night, not that she didn't
           Mom? She asked probably worried about her mom's appearance
             You came back earlier than you normally do"
            Yeah and you look like a total zombie"
            I laughed at that causing Lisa to eye me dangerously
            Luckily I came back earlier enough to see miss Lizzie here, you should have called Mom" She said not having any idea we didn't want her here
          Is she staying with us? Olivia ask again
          "No she is not"
         "Is that why she is putting on your top?"
          Olivia, go to your room now" Lisa commands her daughter to avoid any other questions that are yet to come
          Okay" she groans before walking upstairs.
          I'm sorry, she's a lot these days
           I laughed "she's right though when she says you look like a.......
          She tries to hit me but I was fast to grab her kissing her hardly on the lips. She tries to wriggle out first but stops as I continue to attack her in the kitchen.
           We stopped when we heard the doorbell ring, "that must be Cynthia and Sonia"
She combed her hair with her fingers before going to open the door. I came out fixing myself too.
          Yes baby she kissed her on the forehead
            You look..... I mean your hair looks messed up"
            Yeah I know, I will brush it later
            She came in and stoped right dead when she saw me "Lizzie!" She runs towards me hugging me too. She was so big now and lovely. I didn't know she will still remember me cause she was like three when I left
           "WOW! you have grown so bigger"
          Yeah" she nodded. Are you coming back to live with us?
          Uh no....
          Oh but we will get to see again?
          Yeah! If that's okay with your mom.
          Of course she's okay with it, right mom? She asks directing her question to her mom
          Yeah and if you will excuse me, I will go up stairs to wash up.
           I'm coming with you Cynthia says making I and Sonia to look at her. Not to join her of course, I want to discuss something with her first"
        Okay" we both answered before they left. Olivia came down few minutes later after they left
           Why don't you want to leave with us anymore" Sonia asked
           Yeah, you did before, you don't have to be our nanny" Olivia chipped in
             You said one time you are going to cook for me right? I asked intensionally changing the topic
          Why don't we cook breakfast now"
          I already ate"
          I haven't, come on let's go I'm hungry
          I know you are intensionally changing the topic but it's alright, we can still talk about it later" Sonia say being the sharp one
            Yeah I noticed that too" Olivia chuckles before standing up. Well I guess Lisa gave birth to smart girls. We both all left for kitchen, I was grateful though cause now I won't have to answer their questions.....yet.

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