Chapter Twenty-one

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I was eighteen, I had a pretty rough arguement with my mom, that was actually the last time I spoke with her. I went to a party to get away but got so drunk that the next morning I found myself naked on a bed with some unfamiliar girl with no tiniest memory of what happened. We met again when we weren't drunk and we hit it off. We were so good together mostly on bed until I found out that she sells drugs. At first I thought it wasn't a big deal until things started getting complicated when she started tricking people.
She started receiving threats from the people she stole from but she didn't care about it even though I can be a victim of those threats. We started having problem with it. I eventually graduated and got a job but she refused to stop. She started gambling too borrowing money from people without repaying them. I told her that I'm going to leave if she didn't stop but instead she threatened to ruin my career if I dare leave her.
I didn't want to leave her at first but being with her puts my life in danger. She had become a total different person. Cheating with no remorse, violent, abusive and aggressive. We weren't the same people we were. I thought leaving her will get her back to her sense but instead I went to work to see our sex tapes and pictures all over the hospital. I became the topic of everyone's conversation

I knew things will end up bad for her and I was glad that I made the right decision of leaving her. I decided to go to the gym and take my mind out of it.
I spent an hour on a punching bag before deciding to leave. I stopped at a coffee shop deciding to stay a little while longer before going home.
I was there when I saw Jeanie, the lady I probably stood up a time ago enter with another girl, her girlfriend maybe. She saw me and waved at me which I did back. She came over to where I was sitting smiling.
The whole thing was awkward for me. I didn't know if apologizing is the best move in front of the woman she's with.
Hi! I said awkwardly shaking her hand. She did the same introducing me to the girl she's with as her friend.
We ordered coffee and had small talks. I apologise for the time I stood her up but she waved it saying it was okay. We exchanged numbers. We decided to call each other and know when we will finally have that coffee date we talked about. She seems like a decisive person so why not
I got home a while later doing some laundry after which I took a bathe. I ate the remaining paste salad I cooked before going through my mail. There are thousands of mail waiting for me to read but my eyes went to one in particular. It was from my ex, Victoria. I opened it to see a massage written a week ago asking me for help. I didn't see the massage on time but it's not like there was anything I could have done to help her
I went up to my room, taking one of the novels I bought last time I went to the bookstore to read. I didn't want to think about her, I warned her but she didn't listen. I read some few chapters enjoying the storyline until my phone rang and I saw that it was Jeanie
Hello! I greeted after picking it up. I was surprised she's calling now, we just saw each other few hours ago
Hi! did I call at a bad time? she asked
No, I was just reading this novel!
"Okay what's the name?" she asked
"Age is nothing but a number! I replied looking at the cover of the book
"I have read it actually" she said. It's a nice book!
"Yeah it is" I said nodding. I guess we do have something in common
Yeah! So I was thinking if....I don't know, It seems too soon to me and I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or....
What? I asked thinking of the worst she could ask me for
Uh the thing is my family has this weird tradition of hosting barbecue night every year and it will be this weekend, I was hoping you could come with me as my_ um date. It doesn't actually have to be a real date for us, I just needed them to get off my back for a while. They have been pressuring me to be in a serious relationship
Date? Family? I thought. I pretty took a long time thinking of my reply that she started rambling again
"I'm not pressuring you. You can decline off course If you want, I know I didn't tell you on time you probably have other important things to do other than this"she said all at once. WOW she can talk so fast. It seems a bit too soon for me and family gathering is not exactly my favorite thing
I thought about it for a second, Lisa agreed I can go out with anyone, it's not like Jeanie's asking me to marry her and I think this is the least I can do after stooding her up last time we agreed to meet. I'm probably going to regret what I'm about to agree on "Okay, I guess it's a date" I said thinking of what I did just now
"Okay? You are accepting?" She asked surprised
Should I be rejecting it? I asked. Was I supposed to reject it. Isn't that what she wanted for me to go with her to her families barbecue night
"No I mean I wasn't expecting you to agree, I thought you were going to give me an excuse why you can't go or something" she said
"Oh me too, I'm surprised I'm accepting to go too" I said. It was true
"Well I'm glad you did though my family might be a little crazy" she said sighing over the phone.
"I'm sure they are not as crazy as my mother" I confessed
"Thanks it really means a lot" she said
"Okay, so see you this weekend"
"You too bye" she replies before cutting the call. I didn't have any idea what to wear, I mean what do you wear on a date to meet your date's family on a barbecue night?.

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Stay safe
Thank you :)

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