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"I never understood why the weirdo has an eye patch, does he think he'll look cooler if he had it?" says a gossiping boy to his classmate.

"He probably watched too much anime and thought it would be a good idea to wear one, what a fucking nerd" they both chuckle in unison

"Could you please quiet down a little, I'm trying to finish all my assignments..." The introverted boy who was sitting down said with a stern tone, focusing his attention on the paper in front of him.

"If you want peace and quiet then why don't you go to the library and do your work instead of here in the classroom freak?"

"Yeah, get your weird ass wannabe Zoro out of here, we're trying to hang out, but can't cause you're here!"

"I see... My apologies, I won't waste your time anymore." The introverted boy grabbed his pencils, pens, paperwork, and put them in his school bag and walked away.

... I should head home now, there's no point in staying. I haven't had any trouble with other classmates, of course I don't look normal and that had sparked gossip about me. Furthermore, I do wish they would just not talk about me at all, treat me like I wasn't even there to begin with. Sigh... I believe in time, things might get physical. It's a heavy burden, but it'll all be worth it once I can be able to financially support my mother.

What's this?

Y/n opens his locker to get all of his things to bring back home, but notices a pink envelope with a heart sticker in the middle.

I shouldn't indulge in such fantasies that I don't have time for...

Y/n throws the letter into a trash can and began his walk to a convenient store but on his way he saw a classmate of his he'd seen but hardly talk to them

"Hey! You're that weird kid in my class-" he snaps his fingers, looking up to the sky trying to remember " Y/n? Y/n Omori right?" The brown haired ponytail boy says in a friendly tone.

The quiet eye patched boy looks hesitant to respond, but eventually nods in response.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to pick on you, I'm just interested! Honestly!" He smiles and puts a thumbs up

"I see..." Y/n says in his normal stern voice, and begins to walk away

"Woah! Hey wait, where are you going?" he sped walked to match his distance with Y/n "my name is Doi Arata~! It's nice to meet you Y/n Omori"

Y/n only responds with a nod and walks in the convenience store along with Doi

"Gonna get snacks?" Doi says in a playful tone

"No, just a couple of things I need for home" Y/n walks into the back getting milk

"Oh? Well alright, don't mind me tagging along!" He says with a playful giggle walking behind Y/n.

After a while of picking up some quick minute groceries. Y/n walks around the aisle and picked up a bento lunch box for his mother, while Doi looks around in the snack aisles. Y/n walks to the counter and pays for his groceries, while Doi waits in the back with many snacks. The introverted boy walked outside without the loudmouth boy, but soon enough caught up to him, showing off all his snacks he had bought.

"So, what are your hobbies?" Doi says eating his chocolate flavored Pocky

"Kendo" Y/n says while looking straight ahead, not making any eye contact

"Wow-! That sounds cool! So, like, are you good with swords and shit? Like a frigging samurai! That's so cool! Think you could teach me one day?" Doi says excitedly while shaking Y/n's shoulders

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