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Y/n's eyes open and close up, trying to stay open, the view he saw was strange, instead of hearing grass, traverse like a wave caused by the wind, and the blue skies partially covered by snow white clouds, and the sun hitting his skin. All he would see is a dark wood ceiling, with partial lighting.  Y/n's eyes darted around the room noticing the covers over his body, another bed, and a hooded figure sitting in the far corner with a lantern on the table. Alarmed, he startled up from bed
"Relax, it's ok" a voice familiar, yet unknown due to Y/n's tired consciousness, still alarmed, he gets up too fast causing a headache.
Y/n groaned in pain and held his forehead with his hand, in any attempt to feel relief.
"Don't push you're self to hard, you need rest" they get up from the chair and sped walk to your side
"Can't.. don't know.. who you are" Y/n says struggling to speak with the headache causing him pain.
"Don't worry, it's me, Asuna" she sat beside Y/n, in bed
"You followed.. me?" He looked to his side, still unable to see her face
"That was very dangerous, you could've died" Asuna said with a hint of worry.
Y/n looked slightly down, with his eye covered by his hair, and a slight frown.

She's right, that was careless of me, If it wasn't for her I'd already be dead and I wouldn't have even known. Damn it all...
"Y/n?" Asuna gently tapped his shoulder, to which he slumped over and rest his head on her shoulder and let out a deep sigh.
What am I doing... I hardly know her and yet I'm resting on her shoulder. Could it just be my exhaustion? Or something else. I can feel my consciousness slipping...
Asuna's face was flushed, before she had anytime to retaliate, she moves his hair on the side uncovering his hidden eye, closed. Y/n had fallen asleep on her shoulders.
Now what..? I can't move now or he'll wake up! I'll just wait for a bit...
Asuna Sat there for a while, opening her menu and organizing her inventory for tomorrow's boss fight. But overtime she too would fall asleep, laying down with Y/n following along and laying beside her.

Asuna's eyes open up with her hood down, exposing her long orange hair. Her arms wrapped around Y/n's head, while Y/n's arms around Asuna's waist.
What the hell?! How did this happen!
Asuna thought to herself and attempted to get away from this embarrassing situation she found her self in. She slipped out of Y/n's arms and stood up, putting her hood up and head out the door, before taking a quick glance back at Y/n.
"Sorry for leaving you like this..." she said quietly before closing the door and leaving.

Shortly after Y/n woke up, with blurry eyes staring at his resting arms. He sluggishly sat up and rubs his eye. He swiped down to activate his interactive menu to check the time.
It's not too late for the briefing
Y/n groaned and stood up and began his walk to the briefing of the floor boss. He walked down stairs and to his surprise, saw many other players relaxing at the tavern. But in the mix of that crowd, did he notice 3 players he'd recently partied up with.
Not these idiots again..
Y/n lowers his head, trying to avoid detection. He tried to navigate his way to the exit gate with his pupils looking up. Without looking forward, he bumped into someone
"Ah!.. hey!" She yelled before turning around and looking at a familiar face. Y/n realized who he had bumped into.
"Sorry" he says in a monotone and quickly tries to leave the situation before it could escalate.
Now on route to his destination, Y/n notices how lively the town had become since before.

"And that concludes our raid plans, if everyone-" Y/n walks down the stairs of the theater stage, averting everyone's eyes away from the dungeon leader. And sitting down.
"... as I was saying... be sure you all are in a group... party of 2 at least. We'll start in 2 hours!"
Y/n sighs I guess I missed the plans for the dungeon, my best bet is to just follow somebody's lead. Y/n stood up before a familiar voice caught his attention.
"Hey, shinji, haven't seen you in a while"
Y/n turns his head and sees kirito along with Asuna
"What do you want?"
"Ahah... right, still stoic as ever." Kirito steeply laughed, while Asuna stood there quietly with her hood covering half her face
"Is that all you have to say?" Y/n looks at him unamused
"Have you partied with anyone" asuna spoke out, causing Kirito to look at her with confused eyes
"Wait, you guys know each other?" He looks over to Y/n, then back at Asuna. Asuna looked away with a feint pink tint in her cheeks.
"Hardly, we've met before though. But to answer your question, I'm currently alone in this dungeon."
"Would... would you like to join our party?" Asuna said with her voice slightly quieter then usual.
"Yea! I mean it would be pretty daring to go at it alone with no help, we could use an extra pair of hands"
It would be daring... wouldn't it. I guess I truly have no other choice then to join seeing as I don't know the battle plans.
"Ok, I'll join" despite my already distaste for parties.
"Great! Be sure to get ready for the battle, we'll see you later" Kirito raised his hand insinuating a high-five which Y/n responded with a slight glare at the hand, and a unenthusied high-five. Then both Kirito and asuna walked away leaving Y/n all alone in the theater.
"Ah damn we're late!"
"You sure you wanna do this hide, our last experience was a close call..!"
"That's because we were unprepared and ready~ and besides we won't be alone"
Y/n looks in the direction of the voices being spoke.
"H-hey it's shinji! Hey man!" Hide says walking down the stairs leaving behind his 2 companions musome, and Gloria.
Another headache...
"It shouldn't be a suprise you'll be participating in this raid! Say do you... by any chance- yknow be in a party..?" Hide says, wincing as the words come out his mouth fearing Y/n's response.
"Sorry, but I am" y/n attempts to walk away but had his wrist grabbed by Hide
"O-one moment, please shinji, hear me out" Hide says pleading. Y/n just turns his head, but not looking at him.
"It's musome, her experience with... what happened, it's affected her and she wants to talk to you, can you please led her your ear?" Hide says with a slight smile and a humble voice.
"If it'll make you feel better, then fine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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