Ch: 4

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"A-Gulf, how are you feeling?" Puifai said worriedly as she assists and gives her step-brother some water to drink. "It's alright, I'm sorry for calling you so suddenly," Gulf said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"What happened? How come it turned out to be like this?" She asked. "Ah, I was too careless on cooking," Gulf lied and gave her a laugh to reassure her. His burnt hand was covered in bandages with a cold compress wrapped with it. Puifai feels like her little brother is hiding something but he doesn't want to share it at all.

So with a sigh, "A-Gulf, remember, if you ever feel like you need help. Don't hesitate to ask, Okay?" Gulf smiled at her words and nodded. "Thank you so much, Fai," he says.

"Where's that husband of yours, anyways?"

Gulf flinched a bit and quickly recovered with a smile again, "Oh, he's been pretty busy lately. He went off to a business trip." His guilt was eating him alive and he felt bad for lying at his older sister. In reality, after Gulf and Mew's huge argument, Mew didn't came back for 2 weeks until now. And Puifai was checking on him every 2 days to fix and help treat his burn.

"He's taking quite long, isn't he?" Puifai stated as she stood up, checking her iPhone. "Oh my, Ira is calling me to pick him up. I'm so sorry, A-Gulf."

"It's alright, Fai. I'll walk you to the door, and send Ira my best regards.

"Of course!" Puifai smiled and off the two headed out for the main door. "Stay safe," his sister says and gave him a warm hug. Ah, it's been a while since he felt warmth. It's been 2 weeks and Mew still didn't comeback. Not a single phone call or message. Gulf still continued to prepare his meals and once again made paper cranes.

"Be safe, too, on your way," Gulf said and Puifai smiled at him as she entered her car and drove off.

Gulf felt loneliness eating him up once again. He doesn't care if Mew comes home late anymore or he can't work at the urban place, he just wants Mew back. Gulf will be the one to adjust and stay up just to see his husband come home late at night. He just wants his warm embrace, to hear his voice and the lips he almost forgot what it tasted like. Gulf really missed him and he is really worried sick, he actually tried calling him everyday but none of them were answered. He even sent him a million of text messages but no reply.

His heart was slowly breaking even more and he always cried himself to sleep, the bed felt so empty and dull. Even the small amount of time feeling warmth beside him was no longer present. HIs heart ached so much, sometimes he doesn't even have the appetite to eat.

Mew, where are you?


It was the forth day of the third week that Mew still didn't come back home. Good thing his hand already healed and he can start working a lot around the house again. Gulf was too busy washing the plates that he didn't notice the door open with a creak.

"Gulf," as he immediately heard his name from the person he has been longing all this time, he quickly turned around and saw the person he's been looking for. He felt his eyes get a bit blurry with tears. Wiping his hands quickly, he gave his husband a bone crushing hug. who cares about arguments? Mew's well-being is already enough.

Gulf couldn't afford to get angry anymore, he just wants his husband back. "Where have you been? I was so worried-"

He was cut off as Mew slowly pulled away from him and didn't actually hugged him back. It was the first time that it happened. Gulf felt confused and looked at his husband with pained eyes. "Gulf, I want you to fill up and sign these papers," Mew said as he averted his gaze. He reached out a brown envelope.

Gulf was even more confused than before. "What's this for?" He asked as he slowly received the envelope. He moves near the dining table and sat down. He opens it slowly and to his surprise. His heart immediately fell and was shattered. With bold looking words on top, DIVORCE CONTRACT.

His breath hitched as his hands started shaking and the corners of his beautiful black orbs started forming tears. Why must this happen to him? His husband actually came back and he truly felt happy and relieved but this wasn't the outcome he had been praying for. "I.. I d-don't understand," he croaked out as he blinks a bit, trying to read the papers once more if his eyes were playing tricks on him.

"I want a divorce," Mew said with no emotion and Gulf doesn't want to hear that coming from the very man he loves. "I have been thinking about it for the past 3 weeks," Mew reasons out, "Things aren't really going too well and I think it's the best way."

"Best way?" Gulf whispered as he almost crumpled the papers and Mew immedaitely takes it away from his grasp. "Gulf, it's not working out. With this divorce, you'll finally have the freedom you've been asking for!"

"What the fuck, Mew!" Gulf cursed as he slammed both of his hands at the table and turned to his husband, tears were already flowing from his eyes and his face became a bit red from anger. Gulf wasn't actually looking too good, he looked pale and the dark circles under his eyes made it even worse.

"It is! Don't you want to go to the urban city? Meet that new love interest of yours?" Mew said as he raised his voice and Gulf felt even more devastated.

"I'm not meeting up with anyone, maybe it's you, who actually has someone else!" Gulf said with gritted teeth as his heart ached even more for being accused of something he didn't do and the thought of Mew loving someone else.

"Well I am! I'm in love with another. We were too naive to get married too soon, Gulf. I've realized that we were just a bunch of college graduates who didn't plan out our lives like we were supposed to do. Our relationship fell out of love and there's isn't anything left. You can have this house, I'll start living in the city anyways," Mew said as he looks away.

Gulf was speechless and he felt his ears bleeding from listening to Mew. Yes, they were stupid to get married too soon but why won't they stay together and fix things? It's hard but why must he be the one to let go?

"I'm not signing those," Gulf said as he crossed his arms. "What?" Mew irritatedly asked as he puts a pen on the table, his brows furrowed. "I don't want to divorce just yet," Gulf whispered.

"You know, there's a long time of processing of papers," Mew said and Gulf laughed bitterly. "There's no need to rush," he stated, "I'm only asking for 3 days"

"Are you kidding me, Gulf? I told you-"

"3 days. Just give me 3 days," he pleaded as he can't stop his tears forming. "Stay with me for 3 days, pretend that you're still my beloved husband. Pretend that everything's alright. And most of all, pretend like you still love me."

Mew was taken aback to hear such things. He thought it was utterly ridiculous and useless but if he gets Gulf to sign the papers, then so be it. It's only 3 days of pretending. Nothing more.

"Fine," Mew replies coldly.

Gulf wipes his tears as he sniffles for a bit and said, "Thank you." He smiled with the obvious pain he's feeling and Mew couldn't even look at him with that kind of expression.

(1336 words)

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