Ch: 8

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Gulf was getting bored with the pebbles and rock, so he stood up and dusted off his pants. He slightly glance at his husband who was still busy talking, he unconsciously gave a bitter smile as he made his way at the back of the tree.

He traced his fingertips at the rough bark of the tree and hums a soft melody. "Now, where were you again," he whispered to himself and searched for the set of numbers that were carved on the tree. Gulf looks up and a smile forms on his lips.

He reaches out and touched the carved numbers gently. His heart ached as reality washed over him. Tomorrow, nothing will be left for the both of them. Only fragments of memories in their minds. He sighed softly and retracts his hand. Gulf peeked a little and saw Mew was still talking on the phone. He averts his gaze and dusted himself off.

He suddenly felt suffocated and hard to breathe. Gulf leans at the tree with one hand and the other on his chest to ease his breathing. "N-Not right now.." He panted and felt his knees going weaker. His chest was aching and his lungs were somewhat blocked.

Gulf slowly sits down and leans at the tree. "Come on.." He whispered to himself and takes a small bottle from his pocket. He pours a good amount of tablets on his hand and quickly shoving it in his mouth.

The bitter taste spreads through his mouth but he didn't complain. He was already used to it. There's something more bitter than medicine, it's a broken heart.

He puts back the bottle to his pocket and positioned himself comfortably. After a couple of minutes, his breathing went back to normal and he sighs softly since Mew didn't see him in such a sorry state. He sat there for a good while and he didn't notice his husband coming back. "What are you doing here? Why not sit at the mat?" Mew asked as he bends down beside Gulf.

"Haha, I got bored with the rocks but then got tired of standing," he explained. "Is that so. Well, what do you want to do now?"

Gulf actually wanted to ask who was the person he was talking to but he didn't bother to ask anymore since he had a hint who it was and it may start another argument and Gulf's too tired and broken to deal with that.

"Sing me a song," he said with a smirk as he faced his husband. Mew's eyes widen and laughs for a bit. "You're better at singing, why me?"

"Ahaha, I missed your voice," Gulf replied softly. Upon hearing his reply, Mew couldn't decline. "Just don't complain."

"Since when did I even complain about your voice?" Gulf raised an eyebrow as he rests his head at the tree. "Okay, I'll sing," Mew chuckles and the other hums in reply.

Mew sits closer beside him, their shoulders touching and he started singing a familiar song that Gulf never thought he would. His heart pounded louder and he felt like crying.

"I fill my eyes with soft messages, I hold a letter from you in my hands. The sights of your city, the curves of your lips." Mew's deep and low voice echoes through the garden and Gulf was stunned. 'He still remembers.' He thought as he listen to his husband's voice. The soft afternoon breeze brushed against them but Gulf was too distracted with the song to care.

He composed this song when they were still in college and ever since then, they would duet it or Gulf will sing until Mew falls asleep on his lap when they were at the campus garden. Memories came flooding through his mind and his heart clenches. Why? Of all the songs out there, why must it be this?

Gulf silently listened as he tried to hold back the tears. He closed his eyes since it was easier on preventing them from falling. Mew kept singing softly beside him until he reached the chorus that made Gulf's heart shatter.

"Once you learn to face loneliness, there's no turning back. Because of your smile, I won't be let down." Without noticing, tears were already escaping from the corner of his eyes. Mew noticed this and was about to stop singing, "Continue, at least finish the chorus," Gulf croaks out as he encourages him. If Gulf said continue, he will and so he did.

"Regardless of how hard it gets in the future. As long as you're by my side, I'll be satisfied."

Gulf was hit by the lyrics so bad that his own creation hurts him.

After finishing the chorus, Mew immediately turned to face the other. "It was the only song-" He was cut off when he was suddenly hugged by Gulf. "You sang it beautifully," he whispered. Mew's eyes soften and God, he missed the other's hugs a lot. He wraps his arms around his husband and pulls him closer to him and shuts his eyes tight.

Gulf silently cried as he hugs Mew tighter.

If someone was to ask Gulf, for the past three days they were spending their days together, he couldn't ask for more since he was already satisfied on what he had.

The past is something he can never eradicate but what he told himself was that, the present mattered even though the future is scary.

So he will cherish these last moments with his most important and loved person in his entire life.

(926 words)

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