Ch: 3

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Happiness is always temporary but sadness will always be there, forever.

Another morning with an empty bed, with no one beside him. That's not new at all. He's tired. Tired of trying to make him stay when he needs to go.

Gulf knows but he's being selfish. With a tired sigh, he went back to his daily routine. Once again, fixing the house, reading, painting and finishing the origami papers.

He did finish the cranes and it's been a while since he felt proud of himself. What would Mew say if he showed him these? Hopefully he'll come home early like last time.


Night time came and Gulf waited for his husband's arrival. It was already 8 in the evening and Gulf already ate dinner and left something for Mew.

He silently sat on the couch as he looks at his hands filled with fresh wounds and band aids. He got a lot of paper cuts from folding and he was a bit careless.

Getting a bit sleepy from waiting, he prepares a cup of coffee and drank some. After 3 more hours of waiting, Mew finally came home. "Mew?" Gulf called out as he came out from the kitchen. His husband replied with disinterest, "Yeah." Ignoring how the other replied, he approached him and gave him a soft hug.

"What took you so long?"

"Aren't I always late?" Mew said with a hint of annoyance and Gulf was confused as to why his husband is so irritated. "I made you dinner, you should eat first."

Mew just replied a groan as he removes his tie and throws his bag at the sofa. Gulf frowns at his actions but still stopped himself from getting angry.

As they made their way to the kitchen, Mew silently ate the food without reheating it and Gulf was woried but Mew didn't even let him do it. With a defeated sigh, he sat in front of him. "What happened?"

"There was a drop in sales," he stated coldly. "Ah, I'm sorry to hear that, maybe I could-" Mew immediately cuts him off. "No," Gulf frowns, since he doesn't want to start an argument, he stands up from his chair and takes the box.

"Alright, let's not talk about that," he says as he places the box in front of his husband. Mew didn't say anything as he finished his meal and impassively looks at him.

"Remember when we were in college? We used to make these paper cranes," Gulf happily said as he tried to open the box but Mew immediately stops him. "Not now, Gulf. I'm too tired," he said and didn't wait for Gulf's reply as he stood up from his chair and puts his plate on the sink.

Gulf clenches his fists as his wounds started hurting once more, just like his heart. He sighs and said with gritted teeth, "You're right, it's not important anyway."

With a bitter chuckle, he left the box on top of the counter. Mew just went to bed after changing his clothes. Gulf couldn't even do anything, he just hopes everything will settle down the next day.

He soon followed his husband at their bedroom after cleaning the dishes. As he entered, Mew is already fast asleep. With a tired sigh, he goes at the opposite side and lays down. Mew has his back turned to him and Gulf noticed how there's been a distance between them and it's growing farther everyday. His heart clenches at the thought and couldn't sleep at all.

Eventually, Gulf was awake the whole night and barely had any sleep.


Another day with loneliness as it became a week then a month. Gulf finished all his commissions with a span of one month. While Mew is too busy with everything, he came home even more late than before. Sometimes he comes home at 2 in the morning and stumbles home reeking of alcohol.

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