{13} The Seance {13}

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"Joey, what is that?" Matt asked as Joey pulled out a scroll.

"It's a scroll." Joey said, be begin to open it before everyone started to groan, including Joey.

"Guys, read this. It's super creepy." Lele said as he passed Joey, Clover and Eva a slip of paper that Joey handed off to her before he had opened the scroll.

Eva grabbed it before she begin to read it, "you are now ready to speak to the dead. You may construct the seance circle, enclosed with white sand." Eva read before she was cut off with a man coming in carrying a bucket and Arthur beginning to speak.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Marvin's our grounds keeper." Arthur said as he took the bucket from Marvin and sat it infront of the group. "Here is some sand."

Eva nodded before she once again begin to read, "and each participant sits infront of a candle. One among the group needs to act as the voice of the deceased and sit in the center of the circle."

Clover inched closer to Sarah, "volunteer yourself or I tell everyone what I saw upstairs." She threatened Sarah quietly before casually moving away from her.

Sarah sent Clover a glare but volunteers herself anyway. Everyone sat infront of a candle as Sarah sat in the middle of the circle and Joey begin to make a big circle with the bucket of white salt.

"You know, we're playing with some real scary stuff right now." GloZell speaks up dramatically.

"It also says the circle has to be seven paces across in diameter," Eva spoke up, reading and looking at the scroll they have required just a little bit ago.

"Oh God, I'm not good at reading directions, this is crazy!" Justine yelled, sighing a bit as Eva stood up and walked in a triangle around Sarah, counting as she did so.

Oli made the triangle but did it wrong, Eva sighed. "No one is dumb enough to make a triangle like this unless they were trying to sabotage us." Eva yelled.

"Everyone stop for a second." Joey said, everyone begin to quiet down and stop what they were doing and looking at Joey.

Joey looked at Clover, "what do you think? You are good with this kind of stuff." Clover raised her eyebrows at him.

"Are you saying I know how to do a seance?" Clover asked, keeping her eyebrows raised at the male.

Joey rolled his eyes, "No, I'm saying your good at directions and diameter." Joey corrected. Clover sighed and nodded before  walking to Eva who held the scroll. She read it before looking back at the diagram they had just made on the floor.

"This line has to be further back, so when Sarah sits down. It should be behind her." Clover said before bending down on her knees and moving the sand back a bit and people begin to help her.

"Oh and Joey," Clover said, bent down on her knees as she was finished moving the sand on the right side, lifting her head a bit to look at Joey who was bent down on his knees on the other side. "Its called geometry." Clover said before standing up on her feet. Joey chuckled and rolled his eyes as he got up onto his feet.

Everyone took a step back and saw the diagram they had all just fixed with the help of Clover, Arthur held up the scroll.

"Yes, that looks correct now." Matt said.

"Yeah, that looks real good, Joey." GloZell complemented.

Sarah moved the golden bowl that had everything they needed for the seance to work onto the top of the triangle as begin to take a seat infront of a candle and Arthur lowered the lights a little.

"Read the invocation, please." Arthur said, Timothy held the piece of parchment. He nodded nervously before he begin to read.

"Alright, here we go." Tim said, nodding a bit nervously before he begin to read the piece of paper. "Caroline Eastwick, you who lived yesterday, hear these words, hear our cry. We seek your guidance in recovering an ancient artifact. Cross now the Great divide and show yourself here."

Thunder begin to clash that caused the group to panic a bit. Sarah picked her head up that caused the group to look at her.

"I am here." Sarah said, though, it didn't sound like Sarah. It was like a whisper, but it was clear. "My name is Caroline Eastwick. I'm speaking through the mouth of your friend. I was taken against my will and buried in a coffin, bounded with an iron chain. My life was taken, in order to hide the artifact from the living. To retrieve it, you must find my coffin. Exhume it from the earth, and release me. You must also find the key to unlock the chain that seals it. The path that leads to the key starts at the..."

The group begin to panic a bit, "at the where? Nu uh. At the where?"

"At the fork beneath the weeping tree." Carolines spirit finally said.

"The weeping tree." Joey repeated.

"Do you know where that is?" Lele asked, looking at Joey who sat next to him as Clover sat on the other side of him.

"Take the low road, I do not know where the coffin has been buried. I remember being carried past the red stone. Near the back, near the back of the house. Hurry! Release me from his hell!" Carolines spirit said, shouting the end bit before leaving sarahs body. The group rushed up omto their feet.

"Go to the back of the house." Eva said as she got up onto her feet.

"You okay? You good?" Lele asked Sarah, the maid looked up at the girl and nodded. Lele nodded back before following the group of the door. Clover stayed at the back of the group, she sent a glare towards the maid.

"You know I am hiding something, but you do not know what I hide. Clover Cove, but you, also have your own secrets. Secrets you hide from the one you truly care for."

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