Chapter One - Three Years Ago

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     Tommy walked up the porch to his girlfriend Terri's home and opened the door. It was unlocked; He was always welcome. Inside, the smell of spices wafted in the air, and he knew that Terri was cooking. His stomach growled, and Tommy was starving, having just come from a performance. He was a guitar player and performed with this best friend, Adam.
     "Terri?" He called, sliding out of his shoes.
     "In the kitchen, babe!" She called back, and he walked in, finding her at the stove. It was a nice kitchen - everything was new, stainless steel and shining, sliding doors leading out to a deck - and her six-year-old daughter, Ellie, sat on a stool at the island in the center of the kitchen. Terri went to her, holding a spoon, her hand hovering under it in case it dripped, and held it out for her to taste.
     "How is it, honey?"
     Ellie's face grimaced. "Really spicy." She was a cute kid, Tommy thought, with her dark hair pulled back in a braid that was starting to come loose, a pretty round face dusted with freckles, and shining emerald eyes just like Terri's. She was as sweet as could be.
     Tommy laughed, wrapping his arms around Terri's waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I swear, one of these days you're gonna kill us with your cooking. And with, I think, whatever that," —he motioned towards the pot on the stove—"is."
     Terri rolled her eyes. "Like you could do better, Ratliff."
     He placed a hand on his chest, looking offended. "Hey, I had an apartment. I lived on my own. I cooked."
     "Yeah, sure," she remarked sarcastically. "Notice the past tense." Tommy laughed.
     "Yeah, okay."
     "You want to just order something?" Terri asked, giving up and dumping the pot's contents down the garbage disposal. Tommy picked up Ellie and put her on his shoulders. She giggled gleefully and started to play with his hair.
     "Anything to escape three days of your cooking's aftermath spent on the toilet." He glanced up at Ellie. "Havin' fun up there?"
     "Yes! Don't move your head. Your hair is so pretty!"
     Terri chuckled in agreement. About half an hour later, Tommy and Terri lounged in the living room, stuffing themselves with Chinese food. Tommy sat with his feet propped up on the coffee table as he hollowed out an eggroll.
     "Gimme the remote," he said, swallowing. "The Exorcist is on tonight."
     "No, not until Ellie's in bed. I don't want her seeing those movies. Give her nightmares." Terri said, popping a dumpling into her mouth.
     Tommy stabbed another eggroll with a chopstick and lifted it to his mouth. "She might as well get used to it now. That's pretty much all I watch."
     "It's not even nine yet. Give it another half an hour."
     Tommy dropped his eggroll and pouted, folding his arms over his chest.
     Terri laughed and kissed his lips lightly. "You're adorable." When he didn't say anything, she kissed him again, more deeply this time. When she pulled away, he smiled.
     "Maybe a few more minutes..." Tommy pulled her close and kissed her, his hands sliding up and down her back. She wound her fingers in his hair and then they heard soft footsteps on the stairs.
     "Eww!" Ellie squealed, and Tommy pulled back.
     Terri smiled. "What is it, honey?"
     "You promised to tuck me in."
     Score! Tommy thought with satisfaction. Just in time.
     "That, I did." Terri got up and scooped Ellie up into her arms. "Say goodnight to Tommy."
     Ellie grinned. "G'night, Tommy."
     He smiled back. "Night, kiddo."
     And with that, Terri disappeared up the stairs and Tommy reached for the remote, changing the channel. The screen displayed a clip from his favorite horror movie as the announcer's deep voice introduced the movie. Tommy smiled, put up his feet, and leaned back with his hands behind his head.
                                                            *    *    *

     Hours after Terri had put Ellie to bed, she lay curled up asleep as the sound of rain pounding on the window echoed through the silent room.
     There was a small clattering noise as the lamp beside the bed began to tremble. Next came the bookshelf, then onto other things, the desk shaking violently. The bed began to rock horribly.
     Ellie woke with a gasp and shot upright in bed and screamed, "Mommy!"
     The shaking of the room seized.
     Terri woke at the sound of Ellie's crying and quickly got up, leaving Tommy asleep in the bed. She ran into Ellie's room, finding her crying and shaking. The bed was wet and there was a pungent odor in the air. Terri pulled Ellie into her lap and held her, stroking her hair.
     "It's okay, honey. You're alright. Mommy's here."

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