Ch.29 - Dowry Gift

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Hearing 'property distribution,' everyone in the hall became quiet. Old Madam Cheng entered the inner bedroom first. Cheng Yujin followed behind Qingfu Junzhu. Cheng Yujin's position was right next to Cheng Yuanjing. She stepped back and made a very respectful greeting: "Ninth Uncle."

The current Cheng Yujin couldn't wait to worship Cheng Yuanjing like a great ancestor. Cheng Yuanjing's eyes swept a glance, then bypassed her to step into the room. Cheng Yujin followed behind. Right after entering the bedroom, her eyes subconsciously fell on the mahogany cabinet. She immediately looked away nonchalantly.

The bedroom was soon full of people. Old Master Cheng lay on the bed and saw his family members coming in one by one. He opened his mouth: "My life won't last much longer. While my mind still clear, let's divide the family property."

Cheng Yuanhan immediately retorted: "Father, what are you talking about? Your body is still good."

This kind of remarks only made the Old Master felt ridiculous. His sons were looking forward to his death. The eldest was one thing, but this second son, even when his greed was so visible, still wanted to pretend. The Old Master didn't have the intention to play along: "Even between brothers, accounts have to be settled down properly. While I'm here, I still can control you people. So I should make clear of the family properties as soon as possible, lest after my death, you all fighting for a bit of money and let outsiders laugh at our family."

Both Cheng Yuanxian and Cheng Yuanhan's expression turned guilty. The Old Master coughed and continued: "Our marquis title is currently in the second generation. After I die, eldest one can inherit it for another generation. When it comes to Bao 'er's turn, we can only hope for the Emperor's grace. I have done my best, and the rest is up to you. After eldest one is titled marquis, he will get all ancestral fields and lands. Eldest one's wife is also in charge of the whole family, but the second branch will continue to live in the marquis manor."

Cheng Yuanxian nodded quickly and said: "Father, I understand. In the future, I'll take care of mother and second brother."

This was a natural consensus. Old Madam Cheng was still alive, so the two brothers obviously couldn't separate the family. Cheng Yuanxian has also long known that the marquis title would be his. The public lands would also be his. The same went for the responsibility of taking care of his parents in old age. What everyone really cared about was the distribution for the rest of the properties.

Sure enough, the Old Master paused tiredly for a while before continued: "Except for the lands and industries owned by the marquis manor, the public fund would be divided into three shares. Eldest one, second one, and ninth boy each get one share. The large objects will also be converted into silver, and equally divided into three."

Hearing this, Cheng Yuanhan became anxious: "Divided into three?"

Cheng Yuanhan and Ruan-shi's original expectation was having the family properties divided into two. The first branch had the public lands under Yichun Marquis manor's name and already had a large enough share. Dividing the rest into two or three had little effect on them. But for the second branch, the difference was significant.

Cheng Yuanjing almost immediately said, "No need. Just divide it into two."

Inwardly, Cheng Yujin scolded these idiots. How much difference was half and one-third could make? The crown prince obviously didn't put a small marquis manor's wealth into his eyes, but if His Highness took the share, it was equivalent to admitting that he was also part of Yichun Marquis family. With this kind of relationship, how much benefits would they get in the future? But if the properties were only be divided among the two brothers, then counting forward, Cheng Yuanjing would have nothing to do with Yichun Marquis manor.

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