22 Changed Behavior

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Part 22 Changed behavior

Khushi stopped, not getting into the car.

*What happened Khushiji? * Anjali asked.

*I think I should change this dress... or else, Arnavji will catch me...* Khushi said.

Anjali looked at Shyam who nodded yes. Khushi rushed inside RM and changed into her old dress.

*This dress had torn...*Anjali said.

*I can manage...* Khushi said.

Anjali nodded ok.

Taking ten sleeping tablets from the bottle, Khushi gave the bottle back to Anjali.

*I can't hide the bottle. Arnavji may see it*

Anjali checked the dashboard and gave her a paper. Khushi kept the tablets in it securely. Shyam started the car.

Khushi was thinking about her decision of going back to Arnav. What she doing is right? She closed her eyes. Where will she go? What if Raj's family forces her to marry Raj again...? Raj will never accept that he asked for money from Arnav. He is selfish... he needs only money. She will never get love and happiness from him if she marries him. He will use her to earn money... after all, she is an expert in making sweets.

She missed realizing Arnav is a gentleman. He married her forcefully but he didn't try to show the husband's rights to her. Couldn't he do that if he wants to...? Doesn't he have the strength? She touched the mangal sutra and lifted it. She is a traditional girl from a conservative family. How doesn't she think of the symbol on her neck given by Arnav? It's because she was angry with him. She didn't have any idea why he married to her. Nothing could be concluded in her mind about Arnav before. He is a mentally affected patient... maybe, handling him will be the toughest task to be Khushi. However, it will be tough... be it if she goes back to Lucknow... be it if she decides to reside somewhere with the help of Anjali. She will get an address if she accepts Arnav as her husband. HUSBAND... he is her husband if she respects the symbol on her neck. Yes, respect comes from the behavior of the person. Let's give him a chance to get respect.

Khushi jerked as the car halted. She saw the car standing a little far away from Arnav's farmhouse. Khushi opened the door and about to put the leg on the ground,

*We will soon get you to RM, Khushiji* Anjali said worriedly.

*You no need to worry about me, Anjaliji...* she said with a smile.

Shyam extended a spay to Khushi.

*What's this? * Khushi asked.

*I had a talk with Arnav's doctor. Sleeping for a long time will make Arnav suspect you. Spray this medicine on their faces if they are still sleeping. They will wake up from sleep*

*Ok...thank you* Khushi smiled at him.

*Khushiji... throw the spray bottle away...* Anjali alerted her.


Khushi got down from the car and waved at them. She went to the farmhouse and saw the watchman still sleeping. She sprayed the medicine on his face and rushed in. She saw Koyla in the kitchen but her husband was not there. He must be sleeping in their room. After spraying the medicine on Koyla's face, she went to Arnav's room.

Arnav was sleeping on the bed. She tiptoed to the bed and lay down beside Arnav. She sprayed the medicine on his face. Keeping the spray bottle under the pillow, she covered herself with a quilt as her dress had torn. She was watching Arnav. After a few minutes, Arnav moved slowly. He squeezed his eyes and opened his eyes jerking. He looked at the bed and sighed in relief, finding Khushi sleeping on the bed. He again lay down on the bed, looking at her. He tucked her hair smilingly. Clutching her hand, he closed his eyes again as he felt heaviness in his eyes.

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