45 Lioness

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Part 45 Lioness

Arnav gritted his teeth wrathfully. Who is this man to ask Khushi to be with him? How dare he asked Khushi to LEAVE him? His blood boiled. He wanted to break Vishwesh's face against the wall.

Khushi was observing Arnav's facial expression. She knew what he was going through. Though she didn't have any different thoughts in her mind about Vishwesh she was scared about Arnav. He will kill Vishwesh if he loses his patience.

*Khushi beta, ask him to leave this place. You are my princes... I will find someone who could make you as his queen... he doesn't suit you... he is a crazy man...*

Arnav was about to take a step towards Vishwesh and Khushi tried to stop him, but she couldn't. Arnav pushed Vishwesh with force.

*How dare are you talking to my wife like that? Who are you in between us? So what if you are her biological father? No damn man could separate my Khushi from me... I won't mind killing you damn it* Arnav shouted.

*See, this is what I told you about... he has no patience... no respect... nothing... only anger*

*You don't have to say what I have... she knows more than what you know about me* Arnav said.

*She knows nothing about you... you should have manipulated her by you showing yourself well just like you did to Divya*

*Shut up...* Arnav shouted.

*Arnavji... calm down* Khushi clutched his hand.

*How could I Khushi...? *

*Why are you getting angry when the matter is about me? Let me talk to him* she said.

Arnav looked at Vishwesh.

*See, this is my daughter. She wants to talk to me* Vishwesh said.

*Haan, I want to talk to you... I want to tell you who I'm... I don't even know who you are... according to me, Shashi Gupta and Garima Gupta are my parents...*

Vishwesh tried to say something but Khushi stopped him by showing her palm.

*Maybe you are right... you may prove through the DNA test that I'm your daughter... but what about the life I lived till then? Doesn't it have value? Shashi Gupta is my father. Garima Gupta is my mother. And, Arnavji is my husband. Just because you came into my life all of a sudden, do you want me to leave everything behind and come to you? *

*I'm your father...*

*But you sold me to my Babuji. Will you say no? what did you do that money you got from my Babuji? Did you throw it in the dustbin? * she lashed him over.

Vishwesh was speechless.

*You would have used it... it was not wrong though... you were in need of money that time... so it's obvious. But now, you have no rights over me... I don't need anyone to make me queen because already I'm... I'm the queen of Arnavji's empire. I love Arnavji... I want to be with him... ONLY with him... I will live my life with Arnavji and no one could change it. Understand? *

*What will you do if I prove that you are my daughter? *

*You can do nothing because I'm MAJOR and also married...*

She turned to leave and stopped,

*What did you say? Is Arnavji crazy? Yes, he is crazy about me. He never hurts anyone intentionally... as you do. You tried to kill me a few minutes ago until you got to know who I'm... what would have happened if the killer sent by you had killed me? You could have done nothing... Don't even dare address my Arnavji crazy... I won't spare you. my husband is everything to me... if you try to separate me from him, you will see the worst side of me... I won't even consider you as my biological father... *

Khushi took a step to go out. She saw Arnav looking at her awfully not moving. Clutching Arnav's hand, she walked out. Arnav followed her robotically. He always witnessed Khushi as a soft-spoken girl. She never threatened him in the way she threatened Vishwesh. She didn't do that even when he kidnapped her. How does she get the guts all of a sudden? He couldn't understand. He recalled what she said once when she spoke about returning back to RM.

*How could they take you to the hospital when you are alright? For what reason they would take you, Arnavji? I will go to the police station and will surely complain the case against them whoever does that... no matter if they are your family... I will tell the judge how beautifully you have behaved with me... I will make them understand how you have taken care of me at the time of my periods. I will prove you are fit and fine... *

At that time, Arnav thought she was telling him those in the extreme level of emotion. He thought she would hesitate to face the situation when the time comes because she is not so brave. But today, she proved what she told him are not just emotional-filled words but her real feelings for him. Arnav felt proud. Why not? He usually feels proud to have Khushi as his wife.

Before Arnav opened the car door for her, she herself opened it and sat in the car. Arnav looked at her,

*Arnavji... take me from here first. We will talk later*

Arnav started the car with a smile. He has almost forgotten about Vishwesh. There was nothing in his mind other than Khushi and her words.

Arnav came out of Vishwesh Villa and looked at Khushi. She smiled at him pleasantly.

*You have guts* he said.

*I don't like his way of talking... how dare he talking about you like that...* She gritted her teeth making Arnav smile.

*What if he comes again to take you with him? * Arnav intentionally asked to know what she says.

*I'm not a toy to take anywhere... I'm Khushi Singh Raizada... I will show him what will happen if he messes with Mrs. Raizada*

*What will you do? *

*Let him come... I will file the case against him for trying to kill me*

Arnav raised his brows wondering.

*Case? *

*Haan... didn't he try to kill me? *

Arnav nodded yes seriously.

*The man in the police custody is the witness for what he did*

Arnav nodded yes with a smile.


*And? * Arnav asked.

*You are here for me* she said and Arnav's smile broadened.

*What will I do? *

*You will kidnap me again and we will elope somewhere...* she said controlling her laughter.

Arnav looked at her getting stuck. Seeing her suppressing her laugh,

*I really am thinking about it right now* he laughed.

*Where will you take me? Himalayas or eastern gats? * she teased.

*No... To the Andaman Islands... no one will find us in the dark forest* Arnav said.

*Wow... Islands... will be fun*

Arnav stopped the car at the side of the road. Khushi looked at the surroundings. She knew they have not reached RM yet. Before she asked him anything, Arnav clutched her hand and kissed her knuckle making Khushi smile. He was about to say something, Khushi kept her index finger on his lips and said,

*I know you love me...* she smiled.

Arnav nodded yes and again started the car smiling to go to the RM.

To be continued...

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