40 For Khushi

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Part 40 For Khushi...

*Khushiiiiiii* Arnav shouted horribly.

In no time he started chasing the car like a mad. The car started traveling in reverse... the man who was driving the car is none other than Naren. He was horrified, seeing Arnav chasing him diabolically. Taking a stone from the ground, Arnav threw it on the car. That stone broke the front glass of the car. Naren lost his control and the car rolled on the road. The securities of Arnav's bungalow and Rohan also followed Arnav.

In the meanwhile,

Aman ran to Khushi shockingly.

He saw her getting up from the ground. He huffed in relief.

*Khushi, are you alright? * he asked.

*I have fallen down as I stepped in the pit...* she pointed out the pit on the ground.

Aman sighed in relief.

*Thank God...*

Aman rushed out to tell Arnav that Khushi is fine.

In the meanwhile,

Arnav rushed to the car furiously and pulled Naren out of the car, clutching his caller. He started punching him devilishly.

*How dare you, shot my Khushi... how dare you...? Who are you, why did you shoot her? who are you, man? * the punches were not just strong but was like a peal of thunder and they were getting down on Naren who was bleeding badly.

Neither Rohan nor the securities had the courage to near Arnav. Aman who rushed there tried to pull Arnav back from Naren. He might have killed him if he had gotten a few more punches.

*ASR... stop it... A...S...R...*

Arnav turned towards him wrathfully and pushed Aman.

*Why do you come here? Because of you, he shot Khushi... who the hell asked you to come here? Why damn it...* clutching his caller, he raised his hand to punch Aman. He stopped hearing,

*Arnavjiiiii* He turned around and saw Khushi.

That's when something kicked his mind hard. How could he run behind the car leaving Khushi? In no time, Arnav rushed to her and checked her.

*Khushi, nothing happened to you...* he said unbelievably.

Khushi nodded yes.

*Nothing happened to me, Arnavji*

Arnav hugged her tightly.

*Khushi, I'm sorry... I... I was scared... I was scared to the core. I thought I have lost you...*

*You don't lose me... I'm alright*

Breaking the hug, he cupped her face and showered kisses on his face making her suffocating.

*Arnavji... relax...* Khushi said.

Arnav hugged her tightly again, panting hard. Khushi also hugged him protectively.

*Arnavji, I'm alright... I'm with you... don't be scared...* she caressed his back.

Arnav felt a touch on his back. He saw Aman standing.

*I said get out of here...* Arnav said looking at Aman and started pulling Khushi with him towards his house.

*ASR... listen to me once...*

*I don't have to listen to any damn of yours... don't come searching for me again... I will kill you if you come in front of me* he yelled.

*What should we do this man, sir? * A security asked Arnav, pointing at Naren.

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