DreamXD continues to screw up everything

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DreamXD sat outside the bathroom. He started thinking about the sonic movie more and more until he went to the official sonic subreddit and the angsty teenage community sent him death threats. Of course DreamXD solved this problem by killing every human on the subreddit.

He stole a sonic body pillow and beat everyone he met who even knew who sonic was to death with a body pillow. People love body pillows, so nobody even better an eye.
Then he beat himself to death because he knew what sonic was. The end. Just kidding. That didn't happen. DreamXD said, "man, my life sucks," when he saw the thousands of fanfics about him. Then; people used semicolon's and apostrophe's incorrectl™y. Then he saw an opheebop x Bob fanfic which wasn't as bad.

Nineteen minutes later he thought it would be funny to graffiti the bathroom the sonic fan's dead body was in. He wrote, 💯💯💯😂🔫🔥🔥🔥💯💯

Then he got chased by the Minecraft police for being bad. It turns out the Minecraft police were the directors of the sonic movie, so instantly dreamxd thought it would be a good idea to be stupid and not ask questions about it or else he would be a sus pogchamp.
To be continued. Haha.
Okay sorry for this.

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