They've done it again. They beat Loki, saved New York and beat Derek. Now Stiles, Clint, the rest of the Avengers and the pack have an even bigger problem; Ultron. He hates all of them and the human race so now he's ready to kill every last one. B...
IDENTIFIABLE MARKS: Tattoo on his wrist (Fire & Ice), Tattoo on his right forearm (Wolf)
FAMILY: Claudia Stilinski, Mother (Dead), Noah Stilinski, Father (Dead)
EDUCATION: Beacon Hills Elementary, New York High School (Formerly Beacon Hills High), NYU
MISSION CATIONS: Highly trained in judo, karate, boxing, and Kung Fu. Expert in hand in hand combat; sharpshooter and dagger thrower. Master Hacker, athlete, seducer, his skills have moved him up the ranking board to one the highest-ranking SHIELD Agents.