First day (Ch. 1)

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*+*(Y/N) POV*+*


"ughh. it's time for school already?" i say as i just woke up.
After a few moments i realize what i just said, my eyes widen slightly as my eyes start to shine.

"wait! its my first day in UA!" i say while jumping out of bed almost falling face first while doing so.
'hmmm now where did i put the uniform again?' I thought to myself while walking to my closet.

'oh there it is!'
Once i have it on it on i start to put things in my bag and head downstairs to make breakfast.

'what should i make? hmm. oh! maybe some pancakes!!' I decided, but before i did that i looked at the clock.
"SHIT! IM GOING TO BE LATE!" i say while putting the items back into the cabinets before running out the door.

Time skip when arriving at UA

sigh, "okay (y/n), you can do this." i say, a few seconds later i start to walk into the building.
Once i get in i see a few people staring at me.
Then they start to whisper things,

"omg isn't her quirk where you can decay something when she touches it with all 5 fingers?"

"what a monster"

"someone like her shouldn't be here."

I quickly walk towards the A-1 classroom so i couldn't hear anymore of the things anyone had to say about my quirk.
Then, i finally arrived at the classroom doors.
'ok (Y/N). you can do this..' i thought to myself before sighing.

Once i had opened the door i seen everyone looking at me.
I turned towards the teacher, "sorry im late.." i said.
He just sighed before saying, "whatever. introduce yourself to the class."

i gulped once i was up in-front of the class.
" name is (y/n) Shigaraki, but please just call me (y/n)." i said to the class.
"excuse me Shiga- i mean (y/n). but whats your quirk?" someone said.

"o-oh. my quirk is called decay..basically when i touch something with all 5 of my fingers it will automatically turn to dust", i say.

Once i had said that i heard the whole class whispering to each other.

"sigh, go take a seat in the back. And call me Mr. Aizawa."

I start walking back to my seat but before i could get there someone tripped me. I fell straight on my face.
"oww.." i mumbled

I could hear laughing from all the other students.
I quickly got up and ran to my seat.

Once i sat down i put my head down immediately.


"Class is dismissed." i heard the teacher say.
I collected all my notes and put them in my bookbag before heading out the classroom door towards the lunch room.

As i was about to walk in the door someone grabbed the back of my shirt which made me get thrown at a locker.

I quickly looked up to see who it was.
'wait, isn't that someone from my class?.. i think his name was bakugo..' i think to myself

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