ᴄ ᴀ ɴ ᴅ ʟ ᴇ s & ʀ ᴏ s ᴇ ᴘ ᴇ ᴛ ᴀ ʟ s

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WARNING: sexual content, 18+ only

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WARNING: sexual content, 18+ only

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Bye Sage, please don't burn the house down." Jacob spoke, as he dragged his suitcase down the porch stairs, and along the dirt.

"No promises!" Sage called out, as she waved him off. Jacob had a nursing trip out of town for a few days, and he had left Sage home alone while he went.

"I love you." Jacob said, before he got in his car and drove off down the road. Sage quickly closed the door to the house, before she scurried into her room and pulled out her phone to text Rafe.

'Come over, I have a surprise for you.' Sage texted. Rafe answered within seconds that he was on his way, and Sage ran into her bathroom to get ready. She plugged in her curling iron, and pulled a tube of mascara out of her drawer.

She put some onto her lashes, and curled her hair in loose curls down her back. She fluffed her hair in the mirror, before she walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a few candles off the dining table and took them into her room. She grabbed a lighter out of one her nightstand drawers, and lit each candle and placed them around her room.

It lit up her room with a ambient glow, and she grabbed the package of fake rose petals she had bought and she scattered them across her bed. Sage threw the packaging away, and opened one of her dresser drawers and pulled out the lingerie set she had bought just for Rafe. She slipped it on, and went into her closet for her long red boots.

"Sage, I'm here." Rafe called out, walking through the front door. Sage slid on the boots, and sat down on her bed, fluffing her hair again.

"I'm in here." Sage called out. Rafe pushed open her bedroom door, and looked around at all of the candles and rose petals. He then looked at Sage, and his jaw dropped and his cheeks fell red.

"Hi." Rafe said, shyly. Sage smiled him, before she walked over to him, and pulled him near the bed. She grabbed his shoulders, and pushed him down so he was sitting at the end of her bed. "What's all this for?" Rafe asked, reaching out and grabbing her waist.

"Just so that you know, no matter who is in my past, I love you the most. You have nothing to worry about." Sage said, and Rafe smiled. He pulled Sage closer, who straddled Rafe, and placed her hips down on him.

Sage pressed her lips against Rafe's, and the two melted into the kiss. Rafe gripped her waist tightly, moving her hips around his groin. Sage moaned onto his lips, before she pushed him back onto the bed.

She moved her lips down to his neck, and she sucked on his sweet spot. Rafe's breathing quickened, and Sage pulled away and looked at the hickey already forming on his neck. Sage lifted Rafe's shirt up, and planted wet kisses on each of his abs.

"Fuck." Rafe groaned, and Sage unbuttoned his pants. Rafe pulled Sage back up and pressed his lips against hers, slipping his tongue in. Sage went to take her long boots off, but Rafe stopped her.

"No, leave them on." He said breathily. Rafe flipped the two over, so now he was on top of Sage. He kissed her chest, down her stomach, and then the inside of her thigh. Rafe grabbed the hem of her underwear and pulled them down to her ankles.

"Is this okay?" Rafe asked. He was still cautious with her, because of her near assault. Sage nodded, biting her lip.

"I want you so bad." Sage whispered, looking up at Rafe. He felt his body temperature rise at her words, and ran his hands along her thighs. Rafe pulled Sage's underwear all the way off, and put her legs over his shoulders.

Rafe pulled down his pants, and touched his tip on the outside of Sage. Sage moaned in pleasure, awaiting him inside of her.

"Please." Sage begged, getting impatient. Rafe smiled down at her eagerness, and pushed himself inside her. Sage moaned quietly, as Rafe thrusted in and out.

Rafe leaned down, and pressed his lips against hers as she moaned on his lips. Sage felt herself getting close, as Rafe continued to thrust.

"Wait for me." Rafe demanded. Sage didn't know how much longer she could hold on. Sage arched her back, and moaned again.

Her moans sent Rafe over the edge, and he reached his climax with Sage not far behind. Sage and Rafe's moans echoed through the house that luckily no one else was in.

"Fuck baby." Rafe groaned, falling down next to Sage who was still in shock at how good it was. Way better than the first time.

Sage's face was hot, and she knew her cheeks were flushed a crimson color. She turned on her side to face Rafe, and he smiled at her. He leaned in and kissed her softly.

"I love you." Rafe said.

"I love you more babe." Sage said, and he shook his head.

"Not possible." Rafe said, running his hand over her stomach and onto her waist where he pulled her in closer to him. "Wanna watch a movie?" Rafe asked, knowing that the twos favorite past time was eating and watching movies.

"You don't even have to ask because you know the answer." Sage said, sitting up in her bed. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, and unzipped her boots and slipped them off. Sage went to stand, but stumbled and grabbed her nightstand for support, her body still recovering from her orgasm.

"I was that good, huh?" Rafe asked, getting an ego boost. Sage rolled her eyes at his cockiness, and Rafe got into her dresser drawer and pulled out her favorite pajama set. A light pink silk pair of shorts and tank top.

She thanked him, and sat back down on the bed dressing herself. Once she was finished, Rafe pulled her up to a standing position, and watched her legs wobbling. Rafe laughed, and reached down and picked her up bridal style.

Rafe carried her out to the couch, and sat her down before he ran into the kitchen, popping some popcorn. The microwave went off, and Rafe pulled the popcorn out, pouring it into a bowl.

"What movie should we watch?" Sage asked, flicking through the DVD's sitting on the coffee table in front of her. Rafe sat down next to her, and looked through the selection. His eyes widened at a specific movie, and he pointed to it.

"The Goonies, I love that movie." Rafe said, grabbing the DVD from Sage's hand and putting in the DVD player. Rafe sat back down next to her, shoveling popcorn into his mouth as the movie started to play.

Sage smiled up at him, and watched his eyes light up as the intro came on. Sage snuggled into his side, thinking about how lucky she was to have him. Sage's eyes closed, as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

 Sage's eyes closed, as she drifted off into a peaceful sleep

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